1 EAGLETON NOTES: Thankful Thursday Back in Eagleton



Thursday 10 May 2012

Thankful Thursday Back in Eagleton

For those of you who also follow A Hebridean in New Zealand this post might be a real case of déjà vu because I've also posted this on that blog.

I cannot believe that it's now 9 sleeps (and within an hour I'll be starting my tenth) since I arrived back in Scotland.  I had a few days near Glasgow before I came up to Lewis last Sunday and since I got back it's been absolutely non-stop from dawn (sunrise is just after 5am!) until bedtime.  I thought that I was going to have a quiet catch-up week but heck no.  I think, too, that I've spent far more time explaining why I've not done any posts than I would have spent had I actually done some.  So I shall try to do better from here on in.  I shall be over here for the next 6 months or so with the occasional post on my other blog as and when something takes my fancy.

I'm hoping that I will have lots of posts with interesting photos over the period because I've got lots of places to go and things to do over the summer.

In the meantime the views at around 5am on Monday morning - the first spent back on the Island -  were all that a soul could desire:

So today I am thankful to be back safe and sound in my 'other' home after my little travel scare and thankful for my dear friends who have looked after my home here whilst I have been away.  What would I do without you Pat and Dave?


  1. So glad you are back home safe after 'the scare'. Please don't do that to us again.

  2. Did you ever have such a thing as a 'quiet catch-up week'?? Well... I hope the sea view is soothing and your nights restful - and your catching up with friends joyful! Good to see your Eagleton view again.

    1. Probably not, Monica. The sea has been through many phases since I arrived back but even at its stormiest it always soothe my soul. I love the sea.

  3. Beautiful shots, as I said on your other blog. I am really looking forward to reading your posts on this blog too and viewing your side of the world.
    I'd love to get to Scotland one day as it is part of my ancestry.

    1. Thanks Liz. It's taking me ages to get back into Blogland properly. I hope that you manage to get to Scotland some day. It's a beautiful country.

  4. You are very welcome dear friend. Very welcome indeed. What would I do without you when my computer throws a wobbly or I need my printer fixing! Friendship really is a two way street. x

  5. It must be lovely for you to see that familiar seascape again. Sounds like the rest I expected you to have went out the window, but guess you are a bit old to be changing your ways, huh?


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