This is just a quick post of explanation because some have wondered why I wasn't responding to comments in my last post (which I have now done).
On Saturday evening as I was getting into bed my chest tightened up and I got pains and was having difficulty breathing. At this point it becomes hard to decide whether one is having a heart attack or that the body has gone into panic mode unnecessarily.
I'm not, by nature, a pannicker so I concluded that the rational explanation was heart related. I had had a heart attack many years ago before Blogland existed (I blogged about it here) and I had an 'incident' some years ago which was pronounced a 'false alarm'.
I decided to call an emergency ambulance. It was then that I discovered that my house phone wasn't working. Heaven knows how long that had been the case because I only keep it for emergencies (ironically). Anyway I had my cellphone (which is, I discovered, registered with the emergency services because I've used it before in an emergency).
The outcome was a couple of nights in the High Dependency Unit of the local hospital. We are so fortunate in having a hospital with brilliant care (and no 10 hour queues in A & E).
I was then discharged fit and well again.
However I have to confess that for a while I was a more than a little apprehensive.