1 EAGLETON NOTES: An Unusual Task



Sunday, 16 February 2025

An Unusual Task

Fifteen or so years ago my phone rang.  "Would you do me a favour and pop over to the house. I've something I'd like you to do for me. Just ring me whenever you manage to get over."

"Okay. It'll be early afternoon. Is that okay?"


My friends were in the South of England visiting their old stomping ground. Hence they were unable to fulfill a request from their daughter somewhere miles away.

The daughter had been invited (if I recall correctly) to a formal ball somewhere. She had a dress but needed some special accessories.  When her daughter asked her to ask me, her Mother had whether it was appropriate, to which she got the reply "It's only Graham."

So once I was at the house I made contact and was duly asked to go up to the spare bedroom and in a particular drawer I would be asked to look for something. The 'something' turned out to be a very exclusive black set of slip, bra and knickers. Apart from having never seen such a massive array of underwear before (and, yes, I was once married!) I'd never seen anything quite so exotic, alluring and obviously expensive.

The underwear (and possibly a pair of high heels) was duly despatched the next day and that was that. Until something was said recently and I realised this was something I was never going to live down. So I decided at least to get a blog post out of it!

I should add that the "It's only Graham" has since turned up a number of times in my life. I'm still trying to work out whether it's a compliment


  1. Yes, it's a compliment. You were trusted and they knew you would take it in your stride.

  2. Well, I would take it as a compliment that they felt comfortable entrusting you with such a task. A sign of true friendship I would say.

    1. Certainly, JayCee, har parents are very close friends indeed.

  3. One has to do one’s duty when called upon.

  4. A compliment without a doubt. What a nice and reliable friend you showed yourself to be, Graham.

    1. Jenny, friendship is one of the most important things in life for me.

  5. I agree you should regard it as a compliment - being trusted like a family member :)

    1. Certainly, Monica, it has certainly proved to have been a long, close and lasting friendship.

  6. Yes, you are trusted but it does make you sound ever so boring, and I know what that is like.

    1. Andrew, the thing is that in many ways I am rather boring.

  7. Well done, Graham! You are a dependable friend!

  8. oh that's so very cool, they obviously knew you were a good friend to be relied upon.

  9. Yes, it's a compliment to be trusted to do a favour for a friend and not pass on the details to all and sundry.

    1. That;s true, Pauline, it's all these years later and to an audience none of whom are known to the friends concerned.

  10. In other words you were had. You blundered into a little trap. So you have something funny to remember the remainder of your life.

    1. Red, that is certainly a point of view! And it does give me a smile every time I think of it. I suspect that those concerned have forgotten about it many years ago.

  11. Definitely a compliment, trusted like a member of the family

  12. Yep, definitely a compliment, with the ‚only‘ not demeaning in any way.

  13. Rummaging in a young lady's drawers; you cad sir!

    1. Cro, I don't think I've been called a cad since my schooldays when most of my schoolmates didn't even know what a cad was.

  14. Definitely a compliment. One which is reserved for chosen 'family'. X

    1. Jules, we are certainly family to each other nowadays.

  15. Did you try the underwear and high heels on before sending them off? Are there pictures?

  16. Interesting to note in the responses that all the women agreed it was a complement, while there was a mixed response about how the event was viewed by the men (including a couple of cheeky remarks). :)

    1. Mary, I wondered about that and whether some males wouldn't be sure how to respond to such a request.

  17. Graham the gallant! It was indeed a compliment. In this case anyway.

    1. Debby, it's the only time it's happened to me. Now I'm an octogenarian I don't think anyone would even bat an eyelid.

  18. "It's only Graham" should indeed be a compliment. Dependable,reliable and a brother to all!

  19. Hahahahahahaha! My apologies for my mirth, Graham...but I find this funny...not in an offensive way, please understand. :)

    I'm sure you are a much valued mate, my dear. Take good care :)

    1. Lee, I have smiled about it myself on occasion.

  20. "It's only Graham" means you are above reproach.
    Being asked to fetch sexy underwear doesn't just make you reliable, it means they didn't have a smidgen of a second thought about you perving

    1. Kylie, even I have never had a smidgen of thought about 'perving'.

  21. I agree with the previous commenters that this was a compliment although it was a bit unusual in the way it was expressed, but perhaps that is how your friends talk about good friends.

    1. Beatrice, I'm pretty sure that the majority of my friends (whether in Blogland or closer to home) don't refer to 'perving'. It may be a more usual term in Australia.


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