For someone who used to 'commute' for 6 months of the year to my other life in New Zealand I find it strange to have to accept that I now find the idea of flying to Edinburgh and staying in a hotel for a couple of nights to go to a wedding quite stressful. Have I got everything I need in my kilt bag? I know I've got my kilt but..... It's not the flying and I'd be okay if it was Glasgow Airport. Edinburgh Airport was always a nightmare even in the long ago days when I attended many meetings at The Scottish Office in Edinburgh. Even my son who is used to international travel on a scale I never even dreamt of can't stand Edinburgh Airport. Ho hum. Time will tell. I'll be on my way to Stornoway Airport in 40 minutes.
My hotel is in the centre of Edinburgh very near the wedding hotel. I'll be going in on the high-speed tram from the airport to the centre of Edinburgh.
A kilt is very heavy when you are carrying it. Highland dress is hot and heavy when you're wearing it. Here's hoping for a cool day tomorrow....and a dry one.
I'm back on Friday and my New Zealand Family arrive on Saturday.
It's going to be a busy and enjoyable few weeks ahead.
Hopefully at least I'll have something interesting to blog about.