1 EAGLETON NOTES: The Wedding: Jamie and Ran



Saturday 13 July 2024

The Wedding: Jamie and Ran

I will start by explaining that, although there was an official photographer, I have not seen the official photos yet. In any case only a few might be of limited interest to you, my readers. My iPhone was being used to video the ceremony.

The setting was an established smallish Edinburgh hotel called The Bonham, in Drumsheugh Gardens within easy walking distance of Princes Street usually regarded as the centre of the city. It's a large old house in what was the area where the early, wealthy barons of commerce and industry lived. It is, I think redecorated in the style of the period and is more like a manor house than a hotel. Oddly it has two front doors. 

The Bonham Hotel, Edinburgh

The 'wedding' was actually a Celebration of the Marriage which had taken place in New Zealand where they live. This was a celebration for the close family and friends who live in this country. 

My hotel, one of the B+B chain,  was a few doors away and was, I think, mainly occupied by wealthy Americans. 

I only have a few photos of me and, unfortunately, I don't have any feet in any of them. There was a reason. It was later in the day and Catriona (now called Cat) had changed from her wedding shoes into trainers. At least she didn't appear 2" taller than me. It would have helped if I had at least straightened my sporan but, hey ho, wotthehellarchiewotthehell.

The first time I wore Highland Dress was at my son's wedding almost 10 years  ago to the month. I'll do separate posts on Highland Dress and on the importance of Catriona in my life soon.


  1. That is a lovely photo of you there. Such a wonderful happy smile.

  2. Looking very dapper Graham, pity about the missing feet. My father always managed to cut my mum’s head off when he took photos back in the day with our little Box Brownie camera.

    I’m pleased that you managed to negotiate Edinburgh airport as you said you dislike it immensely. Look forward to the next wedding instalment.
    Regards Beverley

    1. Thank you, Beverley, the problem with the airoort is that there is no separation of incoming and outgoing passengers in the main terminal so it gets very frustrating if you've just been told your gate has moved and it's 9 mins away.

  3. Gorgeous tartan, Graham, such a beautiful blue. Suits you, sir, suits you;-)

    1. Thank you Janice, I glad because I wear a lot of it.

  4. That is a splendid photograph of you and of the bride and groom. Your kilt looks lovely. I look forward to hearng about Cat in due course.

  5. Oh, you look terrific, Graham!

  6. Everyone looks happy and that's what really matters, isn't it! Thanks for showing the photos! Looking forward to more. Feels almost a bit unreal to see Catriona all grown up and realise that I've known you since she was... well, a whole lot younger, anyway... ;)

    1. Monica, I think that everyone was genuinely happy for all their own reasons as well as the bride and groom.

  7. Lovely photos..and better to lose your feet than your head!!

  8. Beautiful couple!
    Your pictures are very nice.
    The groom's shoes are impressive.

  9. A smart looking gentleman, indeed, even if your sporan is off-centre and you have no feet! :)

    Take care...all the best! :)

  10. Thanks very much for sharing these photos! I also like the groom's shoes, he looks as if he could break out into a highland dance! I also love your highland outfit, and if you say you should have straightened your sporran, I will take your word for it, it looks fine to me. LOL! I love Cat's blue dress! I love the bride's red dress too! I notice the gentleman in the front row had the same plaid/tartan as the groom, is that right?

  11. A great celebration is going on and your face shows it.

  12. I must say that yours is a particularly pleasant tartan. Did you have anything in your sporan?

    1. Thank you Cro. I had a handkerchief, my iPhone and my hotel room key.

  13. Beautiful photos of a happy occasion. I remember an older photo of you in your highland gear, maybe it was from your son‘s wedding.
    So Catriona is Cat now? I like the name Catriona a lot, it sounds unusual to German ears, but I am sure she has her reasons for shortening it. Anyway, I know she made you the paper Christmas tree and you treasure that still.

    1. Meike, that was the photo taken at my son's wedding 10 years ago almost to the month.I like the name Catriona and call her that to her face and when talking about her. However when messaging I call her Cat. What a memory you have. That is still the Christmas Tree that comes out every year.

  14. Great photos of what I am sure was a fun event. Is that the correct tartan you are wearing?

    1. Andrew strictly speaking there is no such thing as the 'correct' tartan although most people entitled to wear a tartan wear one with a relevance to them. The Edwards tartan is a Welsh one (they also use tartans although that's a little known fact) but it's very dowdy and I don't like it. So I wear the Western Isles Modern which was designed by the husband of the person on the Island who made my kilt. I am 'entitled' to wear that without reproach. Many tartans now have been sold for commercial use all over the world for example the Royal Stewart which, due to its popularity, has now been classified a Universal tartan, meaning it can be worn by anyone who does not have their own clan tartan.

  15. I know nothing of highland regalia, Graham, but am I correct in thinking that to wear the tartan of another clan is considered beyond the pale, and that your kilt, therefore, has correct roots in your family? The only kilts I have seen have been ceremonial - piping bands, lone pipers at weddings or funerals - that kind of thing. And I am not sure that some of those pipers even have Scottish ancestry.

    1. David, my kilt has no roots in my family (see my comment immediately above) but these days I don't think people are all that bothered except in very formal situations.

  16. A lovely photograph of you both. You look very smart. Xx

  17. I do like seeing Scottish people wearing highland clothing. I have several tartans in my ancestry, one from the lowlands and one from the highlands. Weddings are a lovely event too, hope you had a nice day.

    1. Aimy, there is definitely something special for the wearer when they wear Highland dress whether it be male or female but I suppose that it's the kilt which originated in the Scottish Highlands rather than trews which really steal the show.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I said something rude about sporrans for which I apologise most sincerely. On reflection, it seemed inappropriate given the pleasant geniality of other comments. I guess I am just a bad guy but at least I was able to correct myself.

    2. The mind boggles, YP. Hopefully few, if any people, saw the comment if it was as you said.

  19. Your Kiwi family have certainly grown up. Lovely to see Catriona with that beautiful little smile, it must have been such a thrill to be with them all again. And even better still to see you looking so happy and smart.

    1. A very big change, Pauline, since you saw them. It's been a few years since I saw the children too. We've all matured a little over the last few years.

  20. So nice to see you and some of your family, Graham, and all looked lovely. The photos of the bride and groom were great to see, but the best was the one of your smiling face with Catriona.

    1. Thank you, Beatrice. I had excellent cause to be smiling. The Family are very important to me.

  21. That looks like a lovely wedding with people dressed in national dress. You look great. what Tartan are you wearing?

    1. Diane, I am wearing the Western Isles Modern Tartan. The Edwards Tartan is very dowdy and doesn't cheer me up at all.

  22. It looks like a spectacularly happy day! And the venue looks lovely, so different to Australian venues which are all white and windows, not that I have anything against windows.
    I would have liked to see your whole outfit but from cat's point of view, I understand the wish to not have trainers front and centre :)

    1. Kylie it was a spectacularly happy day. Considering those present had come from some places on the planet that could hardly be further away (Outer Mongolia and New Zealand being two) it was an amazing affair.


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