I am puzzled by many things in life and the list grows longer as I grow older.
Why do people (now) clap themselves when they achieve anything ie getting a question correct on a TV game show?
Why does no one mention that all the wars and military action being taken across the world are a major contributor to the world's greenhouse gas problem?
Why does anyone gives a monkey about who "celebrities" sleep with (apart, presumably, from the celebrities)? Of course I exclude celebrities in a position of trust such as politicians because, unfortunately, I've got to the stage that I just assume most of them are lying anyway.
Which way round do currency conversions go. I started off my (proper) working life as a trainee accountant. I abandoned it very quickly for lots of reasons: one being that I could not understand double-entry book-keeping. It wasn't until I had my own business that I really came to grips with it. Strange because it is absolutely logical and I had taken, and enjoyed, a course of logic many years ago. I lived in New Zealand with the need to be aware of the fast diminishing value of my UK £ income when converted into NZ$s. I still got/get confused. Please don't tell me it's simple. I KNOW it's simple. That just makes it worse.
Why did my maternal Uncle have a photographic memory even when he was in his 90s and yet I am, infamously, the man who, when introducing his wife to someone, forgot his wife's name?
Why do people crack their knuckles? It's not good for them (it's not harmful either) and it's unpleasant for those around them.
Why do so many women (sic) I know say they can't reverse parallel park? Most of them are excellent drivers but seem to think that that particular affliction is an expected virtue in women.
I am even more puzzled as to why I should think anyone might think this post interesting. Perhaps you don't!