Wednesday, 26 November 2014

New Kids on The Block

I am now surrounded.  Well that's a bit of an exaggeration because I only have houses to the South of me.  However all but one of the nearest houses have animals.  In fact in the nearest three houses there are five dogs and three cats!  My garden with it's potential crop of birds is heaven for all the cats in the area.  Fortunately the way I've designed things the ability of cats to catch the birds is minimal. 

The latest additions to the local menagerie are Oscar and Sandy who were cavorting in the croft in front of my house yesterday.  Unfortunately winter light isn't perfect for capturing fast moving labrador pups.

They are being trained to come to heel at a whistle and, whilst there is a supply of biscuits, they are pretty good at it.  'Obedient' is probably too optimistic a word. 'Treats' is the real incentive.


  1. Oscar and Sandy are simply gorgeous. Such sweet puppy faces!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Obedient or not, I wouldn't mind being surrounded by those two cuties.

  3. Dog training is an art. One I wish I had mastered.

    1. One art or science I'll never have to master Adrian.

  4. The puppy through the fence is the pick of the litter.

  5. And these two aren't even big yet! Labs are a fairly placid breed.

    1. They are Red but boisterous and ravenous as puppies.

  6. Lovely images. I bet two at once is a handful. Labs love food, my vet once told me, so the owner will be/ stay fit kepping those two slim.

    1. I think, Kate, that two is proving quite a lot of work and attention. So far as a fit owner is concerned I think it's the puppies who are doing the running.

  7. Sweet puppies who look so attentive, probably waiting for a biscuit.

  8. Cute. That fence does not look quite puppy-friendly though!

    1. It's not Monica. It is designed to keep sheep out but there are no sheep these days.

  9. Who is the fashion icon giving out the doggie biscuits? I wonder where he sourced his cool outfit. Was he on a photoshoot for GQ gentlemen's magazine?

    1. YP this is the Outer Hebrides not the cool fashion centre that is Yorkshire.

  10. What pretty neighbours. Ad the owner (?) looks nice, too.

    1. Yes Frances. I have very convivial neighbours.

  11. What sweet little puppies, they look so trusting.
    I have had an experience with a neighbor (a bad one) who mistreated a dog. It was pitiful, it would look at my husband and I as we walked up our driveway with such a trusting face, with the expectation that we would help it...I did what I could and called Animal Control and to their credit, they came straightaway.
    The neighbors have now moved away. I hope they will give the dog to someone who will love and care for it.

    1. That's so sad Kay. Why, of why, do people keep animals if they can't be kind to them.


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