Tuesday, 25 November 2014

What Is Going On?

Recently all my emails in connection with this blog have come to the public email address but appear as being sent to "Holidays in the United Kingdom".  Nowhere can I find any rationale behind that.  Has anyone else had a similar experience?  Does anyone know why or how this is happening?

Another Google problem I'm having is this:

I'm gradually getting one for each of my Gmail addresses. When one follows the links Google says that an access has been attempted from or whilst I was using a "less secure" email client.  However I'm not using any of the ones they specified: I use iOS8 and Apple's Yosemite E-mail client.  All my passwords are randomly generated of more than 12 characters and stored in 1Password.  Is anyone else experiencing this?


  1. Not on Google, but I have experienced with my bank site. It can be quite frustrating. Dare I ask why you're not going to NZ? So far, poor New York state has been hit hard with several feet of snow. Then on the news, temperatures had moved up now and flooding was figured to be a problem. So glad I live in Indiana! However, I did note that our river is up for the first time in months.

    1. Norma I'm not going to New Zealand because I'm having cancer treatment and they don't want me wandering off. The medics are quite protective of their patients. Our temperatures are not, fortunately, mirroring those of the US East.

  2. Please make sure it's not an attempt to get you to give out any information.
    Many scammers use phishing and spoofing emails from recognised companies like Google all the time.

  3. Very strange! Haven't had anything like it, with none of the very few accounts I use.

  4. I have had problems with my Google logins ~ for some reason linking the wrong blogs to the one Google login thingy. For the life of me this should not be happening because it is linking blogs from one login across to a completely different Google login. I have not resolved this and just waiting to see if it will resolve itself. I just don't have the time to problem solve it at the moment and I have too many variables ~ a sick laptop that needs a rebuild, a new iPad and trying to move off one Google login onto a new one. Who owns the Holidays in UK email. If it is one of yours it may have something to do with one Gogle login like I am having. The only other thing you could do is switch all your email notifications off in Blogger settings and work from there. Good Luck and be sure to let us know what the problem/solution is when you find one.

    1. Carol it would seem that Google is playing silly beggars. Interestingly I did have a look at the website holidaysintheuk.com and it would be interesting to find a link. It's not one of the sites I've owned. Good luck with your computers.

  5. I'm jealous. Mine doesn't do anything this posh.

  6. The second one has been happening to me as well. I think it's Google having a go at getting people to change passwords more regularly by scaring them.


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