Monday, 1 December 2014

Dearest Caro, You Have a Lot To Answer For


  1. Ha ha ha! Happy Birthday! ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. If I find the answer, Monica, I'll let you know. It came from Tumblr and it could be that it was the anniversary of a comment on a Caro's blog. It was she who named me Crazy Uncle Graham.

  3. Congratulations on your Umpteenth Birthday!

  4. If the occasion deserves a sign like that it deserves a jolly good celebration! Enjoy!

    1. I've been celebrating all week one way and another Pauline and I'm off South (only as far as Glasgow unfortunately) in a couple of hours.

  5. A kiwi is a flightless bird, is it not ... so hoppy bird-day! :) (Tacky, but I couldn't resist!) DeeDee

  6. Is it your birthday GB? Happy Birthday for yesterday? Mine is the 7th ~ Sunday.

    1. What/whichever birthday it was/is, I hope it was a good one, Graham.

    2. Oh dear Carol and `Frances. I've just realised that I missed commenting on this. My brain obviously read the comment and the reply and did a whoopsie. It wasn't actually my proper birthday. My birthday is the 4 June. This was a fictitious birthday 'invented' by Tumblr. I commented on Caro's blog - Caro calls me her Crazy Uncle Graham - presumably 2 years ago and Tumblr has registered that. It's all a mystery to me.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Ruby but it's not really my birthday. Tumblr posted it but as to why I know not. It amused me and shows the way that organisations like Tumblr and Google et al gather information and, in this case, managed to make 2 by adding who knows what with something or other.

  8. I was beginning to wonder just how many birthdays you do have?

    1. Just the one Virginia. I was born once for this life anyway but, if one accepts reincarnation then perhaps someone knows something that I do not.


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