Saturday, 13 September 2014


I arrived home last night after a slightly extended journey at the very last minute when the ferry, 10 mins out of Ullapool, had to return to its berth to pick up a passenger who had gone to the toilet in the terminal and obviously been there for a very long time given that passengers embark before all the cars at the moment while the new terminal is being built for the new ferry due next month.  In 40 years travel on the ferry I've never known it return before.

I woke this morning to another glorious sight: the sun through the mist heralding yet another glorious day.  Obviously I had to take a couple of photos.  

The garden has gone mad and the grass is 6" high again and the sun has encouraged more algae in the pond than I've had all summer.  Ah well plenty to keep me busy outdoors (and delay all my communications and Blogland catching up).

However this glorious, still, warm morning means something else too:  The Return of The Midges.  Arghhhhhh.


  1. Wonderful pictures of a magic quality! Of course, that's easy to say for us who have the pleasure of looking at such a glorious landscape without being plagued by midges at the same time.
    Odd that the ferry actually returned for the late passenger. I've only known ferries, buses, trains and planes to go when THEY are ready - not when the last passenger is. If I'd be late, then I'd simply be too late, nothing to do with the ferry (or whatever means of transport I'd intended to use).

    1. Thanks Meike. As for the ferry returning it was very peculiar. Talking about it today the consensus seems to be that it was someone on one of the coaches. Fortunately the midges were only out for a short period and I spent a lot of the day in the garden without any even though there was no wind.

  2. Those pictures are pure magic, Graham. Wens the best time to avoid the midges? I'd love to visit the Hebrides again, but am very attractive indeed to anything that bites!

    1. The ninth of September was bad but since then it's been fine and almost midge free.

    2. Although I (and anyone who lives here) talks a lot about midges, Frances, they are not a problem all the time by any means. The ideal conditions are warm and muggy and windless. As you can imagine the number of occasions those conditions pertain is relatively small and completely unpredictable. It is said that they are bad at the beginning of the summer when they come out to breed and then at the end when the next generation is ready for a look at the world. Certainly most of this summer was midge free. However as a general rule I tend to think of July and August as the worst months but they weren't bad this year. In other words it's a bit of lottery. I know lots of people who are allergic to midges but unless you are likely to be going for long moorland walks or cutting the peats or gardening I wouldn't worry too much.

  3. What beautiful light to wake up to. It is getting to the best part of the year.

  4. midges were awful this morning. Chased me in!!!! I have never heard of the ferry turning back for anyone either.

    1. The midges will always be bad round your house and garden thou Carol. You have so many trees and windbreaks for your cultivating making it all midge heaven.

  5. Misty morning? There must be a few songs with misty morning in them!

    1. I'm sure you're correct Red, although I can't think of any offhand.

  6. Lovely view as ever, and your garden still flourishing! If you did not keep mentioning midges I'd be under the impression you live in Paradise :)

    1. Monica I do live in paradise. The midges are a mere irritation but Highlanders and Islanders love to talk about the hardships that the midges cause them.

  7. No Place Like Home. These photos are breathtakingly beautiful!

    1. Thank you Mersad. I love staying with friends but it's good to return to base and re-charge batteries.

  8. What glorious photos! Sorry about the midges, though! :) xoxox DeeDee

    1. Thank you DeeDee. The midges soon disappeared. They are awful when they are around and one wants to do something but we complain about them even when they are not there. It gives us something to talk about other than the weather,

  9. A magical morning. Your garden appears to be flourishing, too.

    1. Pauline we had a lot of rain and wind in August and now lots of sun and no damaging wind so the garden is going berserk.

  10. It's good to be back home...midges and all....what beauty to welcome you home.

    1. Thanks Virginia. I never tire of the beauty of the views.

  11. Beautiful sight to wake up to!! lovely flowers!! Have a great week!

  12. I was on the point of being very envious...and then you reminded me of the midges :-)


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