Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Sorry If I'm Boring You.

This morning I woke so it was, as I always say, a Good Morning.  

I made a resolution as I was getting up to do nothing at all until I had finished at least two emails from my ever-lengthening list.  It is now over three hours later and I still haven't even added a word to one I started yesterday.  Shame on me.

However - and I really will try and make this the last post this winter on the subject - as I walked into the kitchen I was met with this 

and, yes, the sea really was ablaze like that.  Before I knew it my resolve had evaporated and I'd reached for my camera.  By the time I'd downloaded the images I had switched on the morning news to see what everyone was saying on this the last pre-Referendum morning and then, as always, managed to get side-tracked by a few emails and so on as well as the scene developing over the next hour or so across The Minch to the West Coast of the Scottish Highlands.

I have so many more blog topics waiting in the wings so I'll try and get some more variety in over the next few days.


  1. I love that first photo! So beautiful. Thankyou

  2. Lovely pictures Graham. It's amazing how the same view can change so significantly in such a short period of time. Beautiful and perhaps a new dawn for Scotland led by King Alex and Queen Nicola. Intellectual giants and verbal acrobats the pair of them but I would be hesitant about buying a used car from a business called Salmond and Sturgeon. Sounds fishy to me!

    1. Neil I have never thought of S & S in that way before. I shall never look at them the same again!

  3. What a view. I think the latter four are superb.
    I am sick of this referendum.

    1. All the electioneering will soon be over Adrian. However nothing will ever be the same again.

  4. Glorious - saved as screensavers for further enjoyment :)

  5. I don't think I could ever tire of these lovely views....please don't ever stop posting them.
    Your head is exactly where it should be....concentrating on a decision that affects your's will be back to your usual bloggy self when it's all over....I'm just hoping it all works out for the best.

    1. Thanks Virginia. Whatever the outcome over the next few days half the population of Scotland will be dissatisfied. Whatever happens nothing will ever be the same again.

  6. Not bored at all! And these are so much better than my sunrise views this morning.
    I would like to think that this referendum business will all be over in a few hours... but it will never really be over, will it, no matter which side is 'victorious'?

    1. No VioletSky it will not be over whatever the outcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the sunrise views.

  7. Beautiful sunset shots. The colors of the season are beautifully reflected in the photos. Love the violet hues as well as the golden tones.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  8. Replies
    1. I'm sure Frances that one day you will come here and be inspired.

  9. Truly gorgeous! That sight first thing this morning must have just filled you up!

    1. Lisa I've seen beautiful mornings many times and each time it, as you put it, fills me up.

  10. That is a stunning view. love all the pictures!

  11. Not Bored, but then I look at a sunrise like this and wonder why people bother with Politics

  12. Certainly couldn't be bored with photos like this! Such beautiful scenery and breathtaking to think it is your view from your kitchen, would love a view like this from mine, instead of a monstrosity of a building extension and building works that we now see next door after they ripped out all the lovely vegetation!

    1. I feel for you Serenata. I do appreciate just how fortunate I am.

  13. I love having your view as an alternative to my own! :)

    1. Monica I'm pleased to be able to share it with you.

  14. I'd say you made the right decision! You are definitely not boring.

  15. could never get bored with our view Graham - although yours is definately better than ours. Love it so much and the colours are amazing. All be settled on Friday - just hope that whatever the decision is Scotland can move on and be the great Country that it is.

  16. The third picture from the top is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. And I mean EVER, not just on your blog or anyone's blog.
    And therefore I hope you won't make your threat come true and "make this the last post this winter on the subject"!
    If anyone considered your view boring, what would they think of the view from my kitchen window... utterly pedestrian!

    1. Meike thank you so much for you appreciation. I would never consider your view pedestrian because, as you have demonstrated, changes so much with the seasons. At least we both have views!

  17. Stunning. If Turner had painted these and the scenes from your last post of Bayble bay it would be famous.

  18. Bore away: I could have a dollop of this every morning.
    Even vicariously like this.

    It so happened that I translated 2 rubaiyat this morning [Omar Khayyam] .that fit this:

    A new day breaks full of wonder.
    I walk around the garden under
    no illusion that this beauty
    still can drive bad things asunder.

    But let me thank Him who astounds
    for the many flowers around.
    Drop your lute my dearest, now,
    listen to the bird I found.

  19. Surely no-one would ever tire of morning scenes like those, GB. I wonder what other news will still be out there when you guys and our guys have finished with the elections?

    1. Well I never get bored Pauline and I'm glad others don't either.


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