Thursday, 11 September 2014


Yesterday I spent much of the day having scans at Ayr hospital.  In the evening we settled down to a wee treat ending with a little bit of heaven:

Rioja and a rather ripe Epoisses and a few other cheeses.


  1. Best of luck and I hope all is well, Graham.

    Thanks for your email (you did send one similar before). Don't feel compelled to visit my blog, though I do truly appreciate it when you do. :)

    1. I'm sure al will be well Liz. I visit your blog most of the time because I love and admire your photography. It's just that commenting when it's simply a repetition of admiration is a bit pointless.

  2. You had a very rich treat. I hope your scans are clear.

    1. I did Red and, obviously, I hope the scans are clear too.

  3. All the best for negative scan results (that is something I couldn't get my head round when I was a child - why was "positive" bad and "negative" good in such circumstances, when all the time I'd learned that positive means something good and negative is something bad?). As for the treat, I'd have gladly passed on the Rioja, since I am not really a wine person, but the cheese and crackers... yummm! (Guess what I'll be having for tea in about half an hour...)

    1. Meike it's all a bit confusing isn't it? I'm sure that all will be negative with the scans and therefore positive for me. As for the cheese and wine.....heaven! But not everyone's heaven.

  4. Keeping our fingers crossed GB, xx

  5. My fingers are crossed, too, Graham. I think waiting for results is really hard. At least when you get them, you can start doing something about them.

    1. Frances I've spent so much of the last 16 years waiting for results, being treated and surviving the outcomes that I've become somewhere between blasé and ensured to it all. Thanks for the crossed fingers by the way. I'm not superstitious (touch wood) but take the view that every little helps!

  6. Thinking of you, Graham, and continuing to check in on you when I'm able to throughout this scattered life of mine.

    1. Thank you Heather. Of course I see what's going on on Facebook and whenever I do so I always remember my promise.

  7. Hope all goes well with your scans and test. Sending hugs from the Pacific Northwest, xoxox DeeDee

    1. DeeDee, I'm sending thanks back half way around the world from Scotland's Atlantic North West.

  8. All the best on your scan results....lots and lots of well wishes from my sunny isle just for you.

    1. Thanks Virginia. Sunny Isle good wishes are always welcome.


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