Thursday, 12 September 2013

Thankful Thursday

It's been a strange day.  Strange but good.  I rose expecting a quiet day ahead.  As I was contemplating breakfast Gaz Skyped to ask if I could pop out to the house site and see the chap who's doing the foundations and get some information.  No bother at all.  I'd just arranged to have coffee in town with a friend so it all fitted in well.  During my driving and whilst doing various other tasks today I wrote a dozen Thankful Thursday posts.  Can I think of a single one as I come to commit thoughts to paper (well to the ether actually)?  No.  So being thankful for having a good memory isn't one of them I guess.  In fact I've always had a really terrible memory.  Bummer really.  What was I saying?  Oh yes.  Thankful Thursday.

Did you know that King James IV is reputed to have believed that children were born with a 'natural' language?  To find out he had two newly born children brought up in isolation on a remote Island with a dumb nursemaid.  I have no idea what the outcome was although I think we can safely assume that the children didn't grow up speaking Scots.  Kink James' native language was, I believe, Scots, although he also spoke Latin, very well and French, German, Flemish, Italian, and Spanish fluently.  It was rather a tragedy that such a monarch - probably the best of the Stuart line - should have seen the defeat of his nation to the English at the Battle of Flodden 500 years ago. 

Well so far I'm not doing very well.  Perhaps if I wait until tomorrow the ideas will return.  Then again....  Did you know that the following are the International Holidays for this month?

Sep 08International Literacy Day
Sep 13International Chocolate Day
Sep 15Software Freedom Day
Sep 16International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Sep 19Talk Like a Pirate Day
Sep 21World Gratitude Day
Sep 22World Car-Free Day
Sep 29Inventors Day

No? Nor did I. You'll notice that September 21 is World Gratitude Day. They've stolen your idea Jaz.

Me? I'm just thankful that I've managed to get through Thursday unscathed.  Well, assuming nothing untoward happens in the next 1 hour 50 minutes..


  1. Reading your Thankful Thursday's over our winter means it is usually already Friday here in New Zealand - and I can genuinely say I am very thankful it is Friday!
    I am also incredibly happy that it is Spring, that my spirits are lifted to see the flowers have survived the storm this week, that I have two weeks leave coming up soon, that my home is calm and peaceful and happy, that I will see more of Jaz when they are all recovered.
    Today is Friday 13th. It is supposed to be a lucky day for those of us born on the 13th - as I was. I was in fact 13, and 30 on this Black Friday - and it is the year 2013. On this scale it should be a fantastic day in a fantastic year - and although I don't know what today holds yet, I can say that the year, despite what appeared to be a shaky start, will probably stand out in my mind as a good year because it means I emerged from the past existence into the light - like a chrysalis. I can say that for the first time I know where I came from, where I want to go, and can spread my wings and relish the freedom. For the first time in my life I actually feel like a butterfly. :)

    1. Hey there Fiona and GB
      Can't wait till we are better to see you too FI!!!
      2013 is a good year. So many new beginnings and positive steps towards a better life.
      GB you are of good health I assume. For that I am grateful..............for you too Fiona xxxx
      Love to you both

    2. Oh and talk like a pirate day???????????? What next?

    3. It's been really good watching you get through the Bad Times and emerge into the Good Times Fiona. I wish for you a happy heart in the years ahead.

      Yes, Jaz, I am very much alive and kicking thank you.

      As for talk like a pirate day I think perhaps I'll pass on that one, me hearties.

  2. I find that I either have to write my blog post as soon as I have an idea or it's lost too. I refuse to worry about that.

    1. I don't worry about it either Norma. If I did I'd be a wreck by now. The problem is when I have forgotten when I alreadty have the paper and pencil in my hand.

  3. I am sure had anything happened that you were not thankful for you would have recalled it.
    That's a result of sorts.

    1. True Adrian. Isn't it odd, though, how we tend to forget happy things before sad ones.

    2. It's old age we are becoming maudling.

  4. This rambling thankful post has still taught me something new. I had no idea about the King James IV story that you mentioned, I don't recall learning that in any history lesson at school.
    I knew about World Gratitude Day, but Talk like a Pirate Day....who comes up with this stuff? I'd surely make them walk the plank for that crazy idea that's for sure!

    1. It's Scottish history Virginia and we didn't learn much about it either. Mind you I'd guess that there's few Scots know that particular piece of information.

  5. Oh! Chocolate Day today! Must remember that.
    As for the story about trying to find out the "natural" language of the human race, one of my heroes, Friedrich II. (I wrote about him on my blog, for instance here: ) reputedly made that experiment, too, with a group of orphaned babies. Apparently, they all died, in spite of having been given enough food and warmth etc. It is probably not a true story, the one about Friedrich, but I can well imagine that some inquisitive minds throughout the ages were trying to find out about how language comes about in humans.

    1. As a recovering chocoholic Meike I shall try and be abstemious on Chocolate Day. Got sidetracked re-reading the post you mentioned and then the Wikipedia article - or most of it). I'm afraid history has never been one of my strong subjects.

  6. It might be well past Thursday but I'm feeling grateful to be home again, to sleep in my own bed. Simple pleasures. Must remember Talk like a Pirate Day, Georgia will love that!

    1. I hope you had a good time Pauline. I'm sure you will have had. But there's nothing like one's own bed is there? Yes I can imagine Georgia getting into the spirit of it.

  7. Interesting post, and for that I am always thankful of course :)
    Thank you also for your letter which I am in the middle of replying to.


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