Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Garry Sands

These sands just north of Tolsta on Lewis were a favourite of ours and of our children when they were young.  I took Helen and Ian to see them when they were here in August (it seems such a long time ago).  At one end of the beach there are caves and rocks and the tide was exceptionally low so we were able to see them to their best advantage.


  1. A dramatic, enchanted and enchanting place! I can very well imagine very strange, out-of-this-world things happening there.

  2. Isn't it amazing that it was only last month that we visited. A lot seems to have happened since then.

    1. It seems like an age ago Helen. So much has happened since then.

  3. This is a brilliant place.
    I'm going to show my lack of command of English and say.

    The second image is bloody brilliant.

    I'm coming back in January and hope to be in better humour than on my last visit. I was looking at the negative side of life and failed to realise the potential of the area.

    1. January is a challenging time to see Lewis Adrian. With six hours of daylight at the end of December you'll still be walking the dogs in the dark in January.

  4. I can't express it better than Meike :) Looks like a great place to explore, and I can well imagine it being a favourite for children. The photos are wonderful.

    1. Yes Monica we all loved the days spent there even in winter when everyone was dressed up against the cold wind.

  5. This post made my day. You already know that I love love love caves, and these photos were spectacular.
    Barbados is a limestone island riddled with lots of caves.
    I'll start posting about some of our lovely caves soon.
    Thanks for this post....really enjoyed it.

    1. I'm glad to hear that Virginia. Our rock here is very old - the same rock as the the Canadian Laurentian Shield - and not really prone to caves so these are very special

  6. Replies
    1. Yes Viv the tide was very low so it was a scene one doesn't see very often.

  7. Amazing rock formations. Would love to be there to take a picture of this!

  8. Breathtaking views. What a place to live!


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