Tuesday, 10 September 2013


I woke this morning to a complete change in the weather.  That's not unusual and it just means that I shall do inside things and not get out into the garden as I had hoped.  However the real effect is on my level of motivation.  Yesterday I was alive and raring to go and, indeed, went into town, met a friend for coffee, got things done and then came home and did lots in the garden.

This morning it's all I can do to work up the enthusiasm to have a shower and tackle the long list of indoor things.  Not that I have a choice. I have an avocado mousse to make 'cos I have a friend coming for dinner tonight, and Spesh (She Who Loves Pink) and Dave coming for dinner tomorrow.  Wonderful opportunities to catch up and enjoy the company of friends.

I just wish that I could shut the lid on the laptop, get my bum off the seat and get on with the day.  But then in an hour the sun might be out and everything will change.


  1. Oh I loathe days when my motivation fails me. My fatigue levels over the past year have been so frustrating. I do know now as things pick up I generally feel better once moving about. BUT a day of little always prepares us for a following day of productiveness. Well.........generally.
    Rest well and enjoy the inside weather GB
    The garden will certainly still be there tomorrow!

    1. Wise words as always Jaz. Yes the garden will be there next week too (which is when it looks like the weather may pick up).


  2. So, Spesh likes pink, does she? Thanks, I didn't know that! Hope you have a great time!

    1. Kay, the word 'like' is quite inadequate. In fact I'm lost for an appropriate word at the moment. As a 9 year-old used to say to me 'she likes it a very lot'.

  3. I have been lethargic for the most part, for the most part of a month. I'm off out skying then out for lunch again.
    You'll chirp up when you wake up.

    1. I've got to wake up first though Adrian. Actually I am more lively today - marginally. Leastways I've cleaned some of the house (still raining).

  4. It's perfectly ok to feel like that every now and then. Only if it should persist for several weeks I'd really start to worry that you might be developing a fully grown depression.

    If it weren't for my customer paying me for it, believe me - I would not be working from home today, but just reading, playing The Sims and doing other cosy indoor things.

    1. I'm fortunate, Meike, in never having suffered from depression since after I had a major operation at 16. That was a bad time but a valuable experience because it gave me an insight to what people go through and it's enabled me to understand friends' problems much better than I would otherwise have been able to. It's just that when I feel lethargic I feel guilty at not getting things done. It's just part of what I am.

  5. Don't worry GB, your enthusiasm to get started on your indoor preparations will kick in as the time goes by.
    I am a firm believer in preparation, and it has always stood me in good stead. However, sometimes I seem to perform better under pressure, so sometimes I don't get started until it's THE TIME to do so.
    Have a great day however you manage your time and have a wonderful evening with your friends.

    1. I'm much better today thank Virginia and I've got a lot done even though it's still indoor weather. I often performed better under pressure too.

  6. Hope your day turned out okay in spite of the weather. I'm very susceptible to the weather too (and brusque changes especially). Here it stopped raining in the afternoon and I got out for a bit after all (nowhere more exciting than the supermarket, but still).

    1. Monica the day turned out well despite the fact that I made sum pretty large culinary boobs but everything was ok by the time I'd finished and no one knew. I can't ever recall having such a bad day in the kitchen though. C'est la vie. Today is another day and everything will go well for dinner tonight.

  7. I always find myself in a huge dilemma when I feel that way. Because there I am, feeling I can't get around to anything because the weather's so grey and drab... but then, when the sun comes out, I don't want to do anything becuase it's so nice to just sit in the sun. I ALMOST think it might be me, not the weather, in these circumstances, perish the thought :)

    Avocado mousse sounds delicious! I hope you've had a lovely evening.

    1. What lovely honesty Jenny. I've got a deep down guilt gene which doesn't allow me to do nothing comfortably. I'd love to be re-wired. I do quote the poem about having time to stand and stare quite a lot. Problem is that I have the time but not the inclination to stand and stare. I dislike using gelatine (I know what it's made of) so use agar instead but for the first time the agar set too quickly (I don't think I boiled it enough) and I lost the mouse so had to resort to Plan B. I always have a Plan B (and usually a Plan C too).

  8. I know I'm commenting after your dinner has passed, but if you like avocado dips and mouses, try my recipe (it works sooo well): 1 avocado mushed, small onion (that you previously slice and put into lemon juice to get the acidity out), some crumbled blue cheese, 2-3 tbsp sour cream. Combine avocado, onion, blue cheese and sour cream, and add some of the lemon juice. Mix together and Enjoy!

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. There's plenty more dinners to come Mersad. Another two this week alone. That sounds good. I'll give it a try.

    2. Let me know if you liked it. When I make it here it usually goes away fast :)


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