Saturday, 14 September 2013

A Walk at West Wemyss

Every morning and evening Molly gets her walk along the banks of the Firth of Forth.  Just over a week ago I joined her and David on their evening walk.  Unfortunately the light was not good for photography which was a shame given the wildlife along the shore.  I was able to salvage the following of a curlew and a common seal:

The rose hips were, on the other hand, part of the most bountiful and beautiful displays I have ever seen:


  1. Rosehips we have in plenty but they must really stand out in that coastal landscape. The seal in the 2nd pic looks like he's posing for someone to make a sculpture of him for a fountain or something! :) And the curlew I "remember" from a book title read earlier this year... Looked it up back then but just now I can't remember its Swedish name again.

  2. What a shame for the light, but your images still turned out good. Would love to see a wide shot of the beach!

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. Your wish will be granted Mersad. David read your comment and has just sent me some photos he took this morning.

  3. How does a seal balance like that? You were fortunate to get close enough to the Curlew with a dog assisting.

    1. No idea Adrian. I felt like pushing it over but for the fact that I was 100 yards away and he would probably have had my arm off - vicious things are seals.

  4. You never need to apologise for your photos, Graham. You are so talented at catching the essence of what an animal or wild creature is like.

    1. Thank you so much Jenny. I try. A 600mm equivalent lens helps.

  5. Oh wow! These are so beautiful I find it hard to believe that the light wasn't good!

    1. It was quite dull Meike. I doctored the photos as best I could.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Carleo. You can remain anonymous for now! It's good to see you back.

  7. I especially like the Curlew - a bird that tells you its name, that's got to be good, right?!

  8. Yes Robyn the Curlew is a splendid bird but I don't see too many on Lewis although there are some around and, in fact I think I've blogged on one in Upper Bayble a while ago.

  9. Molly is a very lucky dog to be enjoying such wonderful wildlife on her walks.
    I loved the seal too...quite a curious pose on its part.
    You felt like pushing it over? What on earth for GB? Just to be naughty I suppose.

    1. Just one of those silly moments Virginia and, yes, Molly is a very lucky girl.


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