Friday, 16 August 2013

Ferry Across The Sound of Harris

When I first crossed the Sound of Harris in 1975 it was on a small converted fishing boat - a lobster boat I seem to recall.  We sat down in a makeshift wooden structure with a sort of roof but still open to the elements.  Gradually over the decades the boats improved and the service improved.  Now there is a  a 32-car ferry MV Loch Portain.  It is upon that ferry that David and I travelled across the Sound of Harris a week ago.  

Leaving Berneray with the Causeway to North Uist 
I never tire of watching a ship's wake. 
A blackhouse which was (and may still be) used as a hostel on Berneray 
Leverburgh nestling under the Harris hills
Sailing towards Leverburgh
Entering Leverburgh harbour
Approaching the jetty
Vehicles disembarking


  1. It looks like such a beautiful journey. Mind you, I do know that it's quite a trip in bad weather, but when the weather is fair -- marvelous! Thanks for sharing. xoxo Carol

    1. Carol it is a wonderful journey whatever the weather. I have done it in glorious sunshine and I have done it in a 12 man passenger launch with just me and the boatman when the waves were so high you couldn't se the Islands most of the time. That was both enjoyable and an experience I'll never forget.

  2. Like you, I never tire of watching a ship's wake, Graham. Not that I get to watch one very often; I think the last time was in 2009 on Lake Constance.

    1. Meike there were many days (unfortunately familiarity has tended to lessen them) when I used to watch the wake and the waves for almost the whole of the journey across the Minch. It engendered in me feelings of leaving or returning to the Island which had become my home. I still feel like that if I stand and watch the water.

  3. That is a smart ferry.
    Leverburgh reminded me of a frontier town. I was very grateful for it as it's the only place for miles with a shop.

    1. Leverburgh has always been a bit of an oddity to me Adrian. I understand what you mean when you describe it as a frontier town. I wouldn't have thought of that description but it certainly fits.

  4. I love watching the wake of a boat as well....very intoxicating.
    Lovely photos,,,,such beautiful scenery.
    Admittedly, I had to look up blackhouse....I always learn something new from your posts....thanks for contributing to my knowledge pool.

    1. It is quite mesmerising Virginia. I can't recall if I've ever done a post on a blockhouse: I'm sure I must have done. I will put it on the list of things to be posted about. It's a long list. I must look at it and start crossing some items off it.

    2. You've got a list of things you want to post about? Crikey, I keep everything in my head.
      Other topics I just start the posts and save them in drafts until I have the time to research or take more photos to finish it.
      Wow, a you'll tell me you have an Excel are something else GB!!!

    3. I've never had a head Virginia. I always use lists. I used to be the ultimate lists man although I never got to the stage of having written lists of my lists. On the iPhone I have a menu of all my lists though. I was never blessed with a good memory and as I have the concentration span of a gnat when it comes to doing any one task lists are an essential part of my life. Not on list = doesn't exist. I used to use Excel spreadsheets for all sorts of things (like lists of music and books I had and wanted) but now almost everything is on a dedicated app on the iPhone, iPad or Macbook (all synchronised by the iCloud). I am beyond any sort of saving Vee. But I am happy.

  5. I LOVE that crossing - we've been known to go and do it as foot passengers as a ride across and back purely for the pleasure of it! There is a whole cluster of refurbished blackhouses down on the shore of Berneray now - they look fantastic nestled into the coast!


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