Saturday, 17 August 2013

A Rude Awakening

What's that knocking?  Who's calling me?  None of it fits with the dream I'm in.  What's happening?  

There is something very disturbing about being woken up by someone calling you and knocking on the bedroom door when you are fast asleep and in the middle of a dream.  One thing it guaranteed for me was that within seconds of waking I couldn't recall anything about the dream.

David and Molly left this morning for the early ferry to Ullapool.  Suddenly the house was very quiet.  Not that any of us is noisy but there was conversation between the three of us (use we talked to Molly and she responded).

No gardening today though.  Rain and gales interspersed with odd moments of sun and gales. It's August for heaven's sake.  Don't Jupiter or Zeus (I'm not sure which one is fashionable at the moment) know that?  They managed between them to conjure up a rainbow for me this evening though.


  1. just read your ferry post too - and then this popped up... all so beautiful.
    I love a good ships wake - my favourite part of swimming with the dolphins was always the turbulent foam left behind the boat!

  2. but it can be quite disconcerting to be awoken so abruptly from a dream!

    1. It was Norma although this morning I wish I'd been woken from my nightmare much earlier.

  3. Your beautiful island makes me want to up stick and join you, GB. (Don't worry. It's only a pipe dream. I think...)

    1. It's a pipe dream a lot of people from the South of England seem to be making a reality at the moment Frances.

  4. Lovely rainbow. It always feels empty just after good company has left, doesn't it? Your mention of dreams interrupted suddenly brought it back to me that this morning I had set my alarm and when it rang I woke up from a dream which involved blueberries and speaking German (Blaubeeren). I have no idea why. I can't recall ever having dreamed in German before. Whether it was also grammatically correct German I have no idea!

    1. I wish I could speak another language fluently enough to dream in it Monica.

  5. Nothing like a rainbow, and I hat it when someone yanks me out of a dream :D

    1. Hi Mersad. I don't mind being yanked out of a nightmare but it still comes as a shock to the system.

    2. Ha! I guess that would also be considered a good thing then. :)

  6. Tell Jupiter and Zeus to take it down a notch and behave themselves.
    I can't believe that David and Molly are off already....time goes by so quickly when you're having fun.
    Back to fixing your own meals GB!

    1. They had a whale of a time over the weekend Virginia. I cooked most of the time but David and I have known each other longer than he's known his wife and get on very well in the kitchen.

  7. I hope there was a pot of gold for you at the rainbow at the foot of your hill, GB! xoxox

    1. Happiness at being able to see such a view is a real pot of gold Carol.

  8. So, who was it that woke you up so rudely, and why?

    1. I'm usually up early Meike but I'd asked David to wake me so that I could see him off in the event that I was not already awake.

  9. You had me wondering for a minute or two. But I still wish you would LOCK YOUR DOOR AT NIGHT!

    1. I know Spesh Eagleton is such a terrifying place to live.

  10. And so hence I live here.


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