Thursday, 15 August 2013

Thankful Thursday

I have a study.  In the summer it gets too bright in the morning sun to work on the computer without pulling down the blinds which rather defeats the object for me and in the winter it gets quite chilly without the big radiator on.  The Conservatory gets wonderfully warm whenever the sun shines but, again, it's very bright when using a computer screen.  The living room has no view although it does have my wonderful and homely roll-top desk: it's a good place to write letters in the winter.  My kitchen, on the other hand, is always warm and, if needs be, I can move the laptop screen out of the direct sun without losing my view of the sea and across the valley and bay.   So when I'm on my laptop I'm usually sitting in the kitchen.  That means I'm usually looking out of the window as well.  I really am a fortunate fellow and for that I never cease to be thankful.

Especially as I can watch the changing weather and seasons and the birds: in this case a young blackbird having a bath in the garden waterfall.


  1. Grand shots...Blackbirds and Thrushes are very clean birds.

    1. The waterfall is constantly filled with birds bathing Adrian.

  2. Hmm, looking at that blackbird I wonder if he'd prefer to bathe in a warm pool....
    I have now moved my office and have a view of a wonderful green tree and the street, and it gets afternoon sun when there is any.

    1. The Hebridean sun beats down onto the stones of the waterfall heating up the water which is why it's so popular with the birds Jenny. Oops. My nose is beginning to trip me up. A lovely view is so conducive to relaxed thought isn't it? I love it. I hope you enjoy your view and that it brings you inspiration. (Unfortunately mine just makes me daydream).

  3. Charming pictures of the bird. My study gets too hot on sunny summer afternoons, but after all that's a rather short period of the year as a whole. My desk is in front of the window but my computer is on a special table of its own (for best possible ergonomics) along one of the other walls. My best view (although not as good as yours) is from the kitchen too.

    1. Thanks Monica. Being comfortable when one is 'working' is so important isn't it?

  4. Working on your laptop with a beautiful view in sight must be pure bliss.
    I sit on my patio with my laptop where the view is lovely, but most of the time I work at my desktop with my back to my office window.
    I should probably change my desk around.
    The blackbird is enjoying him/her self in the pool....strange that it's alone. Here they travel in groups of many.

    1. It is bliss Virginia. I no longer have a desktop. I abandoned it when I converted to Apple and just use my laptop and iPad now. Our blackbirds Turdus merulaare are generally solitary and very territorial. We have starlings which gather in huge gregarious flocks though.

  5. Love the bird shots. Having a lovely place to sit is really important isn't it! I love our new house. Warm with lots of natural light.

    1. Yes Jaz I was very impressed by the photos of your house. It looked so lovely and airy and light both inside and outside.

  6. Love your blackbird shots. I'd never get anything done if I had your view - not that I do much now!

  7. Couldn't work out the first picture until I looked at the second one.
    I am sure the blackbird would have smiled if birds were able to smile.

    1. I'm sure it was posing Meike. I seemed in his direct line of sight and not that far away either.


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