1 EAGLETON NOTES: Royal Regiment Video



Tuesday 24 September 2024

Royal Regiment Video

A number of people, in response to my last post, said that they would have liked to have seen and heard the Royal Regiment of Scotland at the ceremony.

There is a short video which those who want to view and listen may like.

It can be seen by cutting and pasting either of the following URLs into the search bar:



Good luck and enjoy.


  1. Thank you, Graham. I love the traditions, much more than my husband, who was a serving Army officer. Having done the drill, he has a different reaction! 😎

    1. Janive, I can well understand your husband's view.

  2. That's great to see, Graham. Are the kilts and regalia just for parade purposes and special occasions?

  3. Ellen, they are not worn on active duty or service but are still worn at formal occasions that are not necessarily 'parades'.

  4. Thanks for the link, Graham. That was quite invigorating. Weird how these days I can feel more energetic just by watching others look lively. I even remembered to change from anonymous mode today.


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