Thursday, 18 May 2023

Visitors and Things In General

There was a time, many years ago, when I wrote interesting blog posts. Now my life is of great interest to no one but me and I struggle to come up with a hopefully readable post every so often. And I really do appreciate the occasional message which makes me feel that I'm missed. Thank you. 

The last three weeks has seen a change in my usual routines. I've had visitors. It's been a wonderful time.

The first visitor was a friend of half a century who lived here on Lewis until not too long ago. That was a social visit ie not a sightseeing one. She visited all her friends during the day and I happily acted as chauffeur and sometimes joined her with mutual friends and sometimes did my own thing. In the evening we ate, relaxed and played dominoes (amongst other things). 

My second visit was by the daughter (Heather) of a late friend (Mo) from my teenage years who emigrated to Canada in the Sixties. Heather is a Canadian and a recent widow whom I have known since she was born. 

The last time we spent a lot of time together was in a villa in Belforte, Italy, to celebrate a significant birthday of her Mother. who died several years ago. I blogged about it here. Since that was written Heather's husband has died too. 

Heather's visit was a time of remembering and a time of new experiences for us both. She has lost a Mum, Aunt and Husband in the space of a few years and I have lost one of my dearest friends. However, I have got to know Heather so much better and I would like to think that we both benefitted greatly from the visit. 


  1. I find more and more now that catching up with old friends can be disturbing, as if time has stopped.

    1. I agree, Tasker. However the eyeopener for me is that the number of old friends I can catch up with is diminishing at an alarming rate.

  2. A change in routine is as good as a holiday, if not better. The best catch-ups are those which make the participants feel that they've been in constant touch through the years, 'as if it was only yesterday'!

    1. Janice (is that appropriate?) that is absolutely the case particularly as a lot of my visitors come reasonably regularly. It is some years since I took a 'proper' holiday and I have no desire to do so now. Which is good as I can't get insurance for travel abroad.

  3. yes, of course we miss you :-)

    1. Thanks, Andrea. I'm hoping to be back at bowls next week too.

  4. May I contest your statement that your life is of interest to no one but yourself? If that were the case, you would have no blog readers, and you certainly would not have anyone visiting you.
    It is good to see how you and Heather have kept friendship going, begun between you and her mother. I imagine to know that you are still there to share memories means a lot to Heather after losing her mother, husband and an aunt within a few years.
    Visitors are good - I love having them, but I also enjoy living on my own. It's all in the balance, isn't it.

    1. Maike, that you for your lovely and considered comment. It made me realise that I sounded almost self-pitying. Indeed, upon reflection, I wonder if, subconsciously, I was. Self-analysis is, fortunately, not one of my traits. It's certainly the case that Heather has lost most, if not all, those who knew her from her cradle years. My longest friendship is from the age of 4 and I have no idea how I will feel when that link eventually breaks - partly because I don't know which of us will break it!

    2. I guess I did indeed detect a little self-pity there, probably because I can be rather good at that myself (not proud of it, and constantly working at it). In my current state (housebound with COV-19) and with the most beautiful spring weather outside, it would be easy to wallow in self-pity - but surprisingly, I am quite alright about it.

    3. I'm so sorry to hear that, Meike. I've never detected self-pity as being part of your make-up and we've known each other quite a while. I hope that you are not feeling too bad with Covid and are out and about again soon. I haven't caught up with your blog for a few days. Will do that when I get back home later .

    4. Surprise, Librarian, I too am just recovering from Covid after a short hospital stay with severe symptoms! (Age 89, for goodness sake!) Hope your recovery is complete and you will soon be out and walking your wonderful country.

  5. Your life is interesting to me, Graham, and I always enjoy our visits!

    1. Thank you very much Ellen. I enjoy your visits and often wish I knew a little bit more about you. You could, after all, be my next door neighbour under a pseudonym (I typed synonym and it took a while to realise why it didn't look 'right').

  6. Always miss your blog posts, your unique take on things. Your visitors are a delight to read about, that you enjoyed the experiences.

  7. It is quite cathartic to spend time with old friends, and, yes, that runs in both directions.

    1. Thank you, Debby. I never understand how you manage to blog so much and so fluently. And I think if I'd had a hospital bill like the one you mentioned recently I'd be far too busy excavating a cave to which to escape.

  8. I would suggest, Graham, that your life is of de facto interest to anyone who reads your blog. To think otherwise would mean that your readership would quickly become a past readership, and such is not the case. The mundanities of life are in some ways the ties that bind; after all it's what we have in common. But the minutiae of your life is different from mine and learning about the cycle of events on a tiny island off the coast of Scotland is such a contrast to mine here in Central Canada, there is almost an inherent fascination in that fact alone. I will happily continue to read your musings in whatever form you present them.

    1. Thank you David. What a lovely thing to say and so eloquently put.

  9. Joining the "choir" above... (i.e. thinking that the amount of comments on your blog rather disproves your statement that your life is of no great interest to anyone but yourself)... That said, I can well understand that your "IRL" visiting friends have kept you busy, and I'm glad you had a good time! I remember that trip of yours to Italy - can hardly believe it was that long ago!!

    1. Yes, Monica, it came a considerable shock to me that it was that long ago. So much water has flowed under the bridge of life since then.

  10. Always nice catching up with old friends, I don't have loads of friends but the 2 I've known the longest both live in the north island so it's been a while since we've caught up.

    1. It is, Amy. Many of my friends from years ago have either died or are scattered to the ends of the earth (almost). Fortunately I still have many on Lewis whom I've known for almost half a century.

  11. Your ability to have people staying with you in your home and to be able to continue to function as normal knocks me out.

    1. Rachel, I'm very fortunate that the people who stay are people with whom I can 'gel'. On the other hand I would never want to live with anyone again. I've lived alone for 22 years and love my personal freedom. And I always know which drawer to cutlery is in!

  12. A sweet post and greetings from Geordieland where we will vacate on Monday for home.

    1. Andrew, I hope you have a smooth journey. Heather had her transatlantic flight cancelled in the middle of the night two days beforehand. In all the years I flew to New Zealand I never had that happen though.

  13. You are a good man, fair and thoughtful too. I have been visiting your blog for several years now and I still like it. We all have dips in our "form" so I hope you can get re-energised with regard to blogging. I would like to know more about Lewis and Harris - places with history and photos as well. You could take your followers on two or three drives.

    1. Thank you, YP. I'll try and do better (using your schoolmaster voice). I have taken on board your suggestions. I can't recall when exactly you started following my blog but it's very many years when I was in New Zealand that I got a Laughing Horse award so you presumably followed it before then.

  14. Well, good that you've had visitors. It gets you out of a rut and makes you start thinking about different things.

    1. That's true, Red. I certainly got out of my rut.

  15. I can't imagine anyone not benefiting from a holiday on Lewis with you, Graham. I can't believe that Italian holiday was so long ago. Really? Where have the years gone? Thankfully there have been many enjoyable posts from you and I'm confident you will find many other topics to keep your followers amused and faithful in the years to come. Like Yorkshire Pudding said, I'd like to go along on a few drives around the island. Always loved your Big Sky photos. And I'd love to refresh my memory of those glorious beaches.

  16. So many of my own family members, my extended family, old friends, and even newer friends, now live so far away in other countries, etc, that meeting-up is almost impossible.

    1. Yes, Cro, my friends and family are spread too. I know that I will never see many again but at least emails and chat apps make communication possible. And I still write letters (three this morning before the 10.30 post collection).

  17. Hubby and I often played dominoes on quiet evenings (we had no TV), but I haven't played since then. Glad you were able to catch up with some friends :)

    1. Margaret, I miss the playing of cards, dominoes and board games which filled my childhood. In New Zealand the four family children played endless Monopoly which is the one game I really do not enjoy.

  18. I am equal parts happy for you, visiting with your pals, and jealous that it wasn't me that was one of them! 8-)

  19. i don't expect my blogging friends to write "interesting" posts these days. I think of a post just like I would a phone call with a friend: a catchup with what people have been doing, what concerns them, the issues of every day life. That's what friends talk about, right?

    1. Absolutely right, Kylie. I think I've worried to much about what is a non-problem.

  20. Sorry I'm late to comment Graham, but like Librian, I too am quarantined with Covid at age 89! I was hospitalized and on IV meds for a couple of days with severe symptoms but am home now and feeling a little better each day. Now, you know I love your blogs and have traveled with you and worried about you in hospital and in all ways considered you a friend.
    I do understand your feelings of loss of old friends, but be glad this day that some of us are still with you and happy you are here.

    1. Jill, I am SO SORRY to hear that you have been unwell. On the other hand I am absolutely delighted that you are back home and still commenting. I do hope that you continue to improve and return to your normal.

  21. Is the wee Collie in your header still alive? Not to worry too much but if it is then it would be good to hear,

    1. Adrian, the Collie in the banner passed away a few years ago. She seemed to live by the sign and was a fixture over many years. I'm glad that she is immortalised in my header.

  22. Graham, you are not alone in saying that you may not think your blog posts are interesting. Often, I wonder the same thing as many others may as well. What's "interesting" to one person may not be to someone else. That's just the way of things, but everyone's life is of interest even if not all the time, which I don't mean in an unkind way.

    It does amaze me how many bloggers manage to post on a daily basis and my struggle is in trying to keep up with their posts, which some weeks isn't possible. So, I read and comment when time allows, which is why my comment was late for this post. While it is not possible to read every post from every blogger, you would definitely be missed so consider this a message to let you know, as others have previously in their comments. How nice to read that the past few weeks have been filled with visits from friends, definitely times to be cherished.


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