Tuesday, 25 April 2023

Housekeeping and Spam: Mea Culpa

Dear Readers and Commenters

I apologise profusely. I thought that I was assiduous in checking my comments folder for comments awaiting moderation and for spam. It would appear that I am not. The principal reason I tend to check is that a lot of people's comments do not show up in my emails. I have never discovered why. With some (such as Rachel) they never appear. With others it is totally random - or so it appears.

Kylie has just made the point on my previous post that her comment had disappeared. It was waiting to be moderated! Why? Heaven (or Google) alone knows. Although I expect neither of them do. Fortunately Kylie persisted and her second comment (unlike a previous second comment by Neil) was published. 

A number of you have suffered similar fates.

I have now got rid of all the genuine spam and allowed all your previous comments that went to spam.

Please don't give up commenting. I will be more careful in future. 




  1. thecontemplativecat here. Google and I have been and still are battles. You are not alone.

    1. That is some comfort, thecontemplativecat, but it would be good if the problems ceased.

  2. Three or four weeks ago there were days when I had to process dozens of previously published comments that had been wrongly sent to my spam folder. Fortunately, that madness seems to have calmed down now but I am still alert. I guess big sections of Blogger are now being managed by A.I. or "bots". You can't argue with them.

    1. Thanks, Neil. I now know that some comments that I made and thought had disappeared have, in fact, met a similar fate. Let us hope that the problem goes away. I think the principal issue is that Google makes no money out of Blogger.

  3. The joys of blogging. I found loads of email notifications in my junk folder. I was forever labelling them as 'not junk' eventually I think its fixed.

    1. Diane, I wondered whether I had been checking my junk folders as assiduously as I thought I had and there is nothing in my blogging email junk folder and, so far, only one of all the comments on this post have appeared in my gmail account. C'est la vie I suppose.

  4. yes I have had the same problem for quite some time now, I don't get emailed some comments that go into the spam folder either, I just have to regularly check.

    1. Amy, I will make sure that I check more frequently in future.

  5. thecontemplativecat here. It has been a battle for some time for me as well.

    1. Well, contemplativecat, It makes me feel better that I'm not alone.

  6. My comments go missing all the time but I tend to assume I have vaguely forgotten to click publish!
    Thanks for being nice about my griping :)

    1. Kylie, you're so positive that I don't think of your comments as griping.

  7. I've had a similar experience. It took a long time before I knew what was happening.

  8. I have just this minute checked my spam folder and found 18 items. two were proper spam, but the rest I published. I now check every morning and deal with them appropriately. What I have noticed is that most are very short, consisting of 2 or 3 words only. I think Mr Blogger has a problem with brief comments!

    1. Cro, I seem to have found a can of worms here. That reminds me that as a teenager I used the term 'boite de ver' to a French acquaintance. Puzzled does not begin to describe her reaction.

  9. Fortunately, I rarely find comments in my spam folder, but some do end up there. I simply have set comments management to "all", and then can filter at will for spam, published or waiting to be moderated comments.
    Much more annyoing to me is the constant need to sign in again, even if I am already assigned in - and even to reply to comments on my own blog (where I am of course signed in!).

    1. Meike, I find the signing in problem a real hassle on my phone if I ever try and use that with Blogger. Even with 1Password Blogger/Google often just refuse.

  10. Blogger becomes more frustrating by the day, it seems. I do retrieve messages from Spam quite regularly, and mark them "looks safe" but a few commenters seem never to escape blogger gaol. I also check the Spam folder in gmail because valid messages end up there sometimes.

    1. My problems are the same, David, and I find all sorts of things in my gmail junk. It can be quite frustrating.

  11. Like Meike I've had more issues with the need to sign in repeatedly... But I also now and then get comments marked as spam for no apparent reason (while obviously suspicious ones sometimes slip through!) But as I've usually received at least either the email OR the comment, I don't think all that many have escaped my attention altogether... (I also try to remember to check from time to time.)

    1. Monica, perhaps my most irritating problem at the moment is that I don't get notifications in my email account so I have to keep checking back posts for comments I may have missed.

    2. Graham, no sooner had I written that comment above - that I usually do receive email notifications myself - yesterday I too had a taste of the opposite... And I do get that it must be frustrating to have that occurring all the time! (so sending you an email copy of this...)

  12. It is a mystery why some and not others have the comment glitch. It is about a year I read about it before comments in spam started on my blog.
    I monitor a number of 3 in my spam folder. When it increases, I check the folder for comments.

    1. Yes, Maywyn, it's becoming and extra task we just have to perform.

  13. You may have been checking your junk folder just as regularly as you thought. In my case, I have comments that have previously published on old posts 'unpublish' and jump into my spam folder. Google is a strange a twisty thing.

    1. In fact, just this morning, I had a comment unpublish from 2021. I just don't understand this.

    2. Oh dear, Debby, you are making me realise things are worse than I thought.

  14. It seems to happen to a lot of the bloggers I read but luckily, like you, they remember to check spam and then put things right again. Thanks for apologizing, but it's not your fault, Graham!

  15. Spam is consistently an issue, Graham, as bloggers well know. I now check on a daily basis and sometimes several times a day, yet despite marking spam comments as such, they seem to reappear another day. It is an arduous task at times.

    1. Beatrice, I just hope that the blogging community has tenacity.

  16. Sometimes, even my own responses to the comments on my blog get sent to the spam folder! I just try to remember to check it regularly. X

    1. Gosh, Jules, I don't think I've had that problem yet.

  17. Comments by those with a yahoo email address never arrive as a notification in my email inbox.

    1. Well, Andrew, that's something I didn't know.

  18. I never receive email notifications no matter what I change. I just give up, it's too difficult for me with my limited tech skills.

    1. I can't even manage to change my anon status. Pauline

    2. That's OK Pauline. So long as you're still there and reading I'm a happy man.

  19. You can't get rid of me that easily!!! :)

    Take care, Graham.

  20. Glad to hear this Graham as mine was one of the comments waiting out there in the ether waiting to be moderated. No, I don't remember what I said!

    1. I'm afraid that I can't find it, Jill.

    2. Sorry, I deleted it after it languished for several days. I was afraid I'd offended you or one of your readers. I tend to post sometimes without thinking my words through. Anyway, I appreciate you looking for me! We'll start over.


Comment moderation is activated 14 days after the post to minimise unwanted comments and, hopefully, make sure that I see and reply to wanted comments.