Friday, 13 March 2015

Is Google+ Dead?

Adrian alerted his readers recently to the possibility of the demise of Google+.

An article on Yahoo Tech entitled Google Is Slowly Phasing Out Google+ was the authority for Adrian's wonderful news.

Oh dear. Does that make me sound biased? Well I am. Despite many of our concerns about Google's all-consuming desire for knowledge of our personal information Google provides us with many useful service not least of which is Gmail and Blogger. However Google+ is without doubt one of the most irritating things on the web. 

So I, for one, am hoping that this is the end of Google+.


  1. I won't miss Google+ if it goes. They joined me to it without even asking and I have never been able to understand what the hell it was all about. Was it meant to be some kind of alternative Facebook type of thing? I am amazed they didn't research it properly or attempt to win Google users over by simply explaining what it was all about. If I was the CEO of Google I would have made sure the launch was successful and I would also be living in a luxurious mansion in California with panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean.

    1. I think, YP, that they made it over-complicated and tried to force it on a lot of unwilling participants. I've never understood it and, frankly, never tried to.

  2. Well said ! Aren't "they" splitting it up into photos and streams because the social side hasn't loss. Wish they would sort blogger so you can comment on an iPad more easily....slow tedious risky process that it is now and always has been...

    1. Yes Fi, blogging on an iPad is a trial. From what I can gather the social side has just been a non-event: certainly outside of the US.

  3. I dislike Google+ and Circles but do enjoy Picassa and it's unlimited, or practically unlimited, storage. Blogger is free so thank you Google. It is a wonderful medium for old folks.

    1. Picasa is Google do some things brilliantly....

    2. Yes Adrian and Fi I agree about Picasa and used it when I used a Windows computer although, as a Mac user, I don't use it now except for Picasa Web Albums.

    3. Because you use iPhoto? I still use the Mac version of Picasa as I prefer it..

    4. No Fi I use Aperture but I didn't know that there was a Mac version of Picasa. I shall investigate that.

  4. I've never quite figured out what the hell Google+ and Circles is all about. Just know it annoys me. I certainly wouldn't miss them. But I wouldn't want to lose Picassa. No, no.

    1. Pauline I think and hope that Google will just let Google+ disappear and if they replace it with something more understandable and usable and less complicated then I, for one, will be a happy bunny.

  5. Of course, I can't say much against Google as such, since I am a happy resident of Blogland, and use their search engine as well as Picasa regularly. But I was never interested in google+, and when the first messages appeared on my screen to join some circle or other, I always ignored them. Therefore, I won't miss something that I've not used.

    1. Meike I'm not anti-Google in any way and I use a lot of it's services which come under the global banner of Google+. However it's the way it tries to join everyone in circles and to extend it's social media aspect in such an unintelligible and persistent way that I, and obviously many others, find irritating.

    2. Graham, as someone who makes her living as a Data Protection Officer, I am of course very much aware of the controversial role Google plays, more often than not, when it comes to collecting and dealing with the personal data of its users. And many seem to have no qualms whatsoever to freely give up what's left of their privacy - no problem, as long as they are doing that based on an informed, conscious decision. What really worries "us" (i. e. the data protectors) is the sneaky way in which this often happens.

    3. Yes Meike one has to be very aware all the time. I have a lot of different Google accounts for different purposes and I'm very careful, as far as I can be, to protect those aspects of my life that need protecting. However I'm sure that Google knows more about a lot of aspects of my life than I do. Certainly between Google and Apple I must have a perfect alibi for where I have been every moment of every day for the last 5 or more years.

  6. Replies
    1. I don't know Frances but if you find out please let me know.

  7. I've tried to stay clear of Google+, but who knows... (Google probably does.)

    1. Google certainly will Monica. Me? Definitely not.

  8. I steered clear of Google+, since it seemed very inquisitive and I hate that.....may it rest in peace.
    I however love my Blogger, GMail, and Picasa.

  9. Heard a horrid rumour today that Picasa may be terminated.

    1. From what I have read Kate and Fiona, it's likely to be amalgamated in to something called Google Photos. Nice and catchy don't you think?


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