Wednesday, 11 March 2015

I Bit The Bulllet

As anyone who reads this blog knows I have broadband problems. In fact most of Lewis has broadband problems.  So after all the hassle and attempts a few weeks ago I achieved a fabulously fast 2.00Mbps - for two days. I then had a week of 1.3 Mbps. Then I had a week of virtually unusable broadband.  I took the decision and I ordered satellite broadband.

It was installed yesterday. 19Mbps download and 6 Mbps upload. The ping is rubbish but what can one expect when the signal travels all the way to a satellite and back. Pretty darn clever in my book.

At least I should now have a reliable connection to the world outside.

Today my BT broadband has been 2Mbps.

Ho hum. 


  1. Well I hope the satellite connection works out for the best Graham. It's so frustrating when the internet slows to a snail's pace or disappears altogether. Having the internet has become almost as vital as electricity, water and sewage supplies.

    1. Thanks YP. Some of my friends laugh at my 'addiction' and I have to admit that I do count on the internet for most of my communications. Given the fact that internet speed is a major subject of discussion in the Islands (it may even have taken over the number one spot from the weather) I suspect that I am not alone.

  2. I love have a satellite connection. It's so much faster than the wireless I had before. And it's plenty fast enough for me. Have fun handling all that speed! :)

    1. Pauline I will try. In fact my BT speed has been faster than ever since I got the satellite in but it's all relative and when I had to do a programme update this morning it was soon much faster. Love it!

  3. Slow internet drives me crazy. I think I need a new computer and that would improve things.

  4. Noooo! Sending brainwave wishes (quite slow ones) that you get more than 2 .... !

    1. Kate on the satellite I can get 20Mbps v the usual 0.30 or the occasional 2.00 Mbps which I get on BT.

  5. My internet connection here at home is pretty fast, and (mostly) reliable. I am, however, not happy with the s - l - o - w connection my iphone gets more often than not. And usually, whenever I use my phone to access the internet from somewhere, it is because I just want to quickly look something up - opening times of a restaurant, train time tables, and so on. Just when it would be the most useful to be quick, that's where it fails. In my iphone's case, I guess it is a combination of it being the 1st generation one with a totally outdated OS, and the provider's connection coverage not being what it should be.

    1. Meike on the Island there is no data capability for the cellphone/mobile phone on the Vodafone network (which is the only one that I can get at my home) so I rely on wifi. Fortunately many shops and cafes now have free wifi so I'm rarely without the capability to look up information.

  6. Look at that little baby ~ you must be so happy!!

  7. Great, today the dish and tomorrow the spoon. I could do with one on the van.

    1. Yes Adrian and the next thing will be jumping over the moon.

  8. I'm not sure what ping is, but congratulations on the rest!

    1. Monica ping is the amount of time it takes packets of information to get from the computer to the server.

    2. Ah... Er, perhaps. (Not sure if I get it or not...) Can the ping differ between a computer vs phone using the same wifi? Just wondering because I've noticed that when I send an email from the phone, that mysteriously often seems to take longer than sending one from the computer...

    3. Monica for some reason I missed your comment on ping times. The answer is that whilst I know what a ping is and why it takes so long to get to and from a satellite when compared to a land based journey to the server I have no idea what, if any, effect the machine one is using has on that.


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