Thursday, 16 October 2014

Thankful Thursday: Every Cloud

has a silver lining.

It's over five months since I wrote the last post on A Hebridean in New Zealand and today is the first time since I wrote it that I have re-read it in full.  I don't think that I appreciated at the time just how much I would miss New Zealand and my life there.  In fact from the moment I arrived back in Scotland the idea of not going back was banished from my mind.  I think that I must have been having a severe dose of reality when I wrote the post and that my optimistic me was on hold for a short while.  In fact I think that until last week I was actually sub-consciously more concerned about my cancer than I've been since 2010 and, perhaps, since I was diagnosed in 1998.

Today's reality is that I shall not be returning at the end of this month as I usually do and, indeed, it may well be that I shall not return this summer (New Zealand's summer that is). But then again I may. For many reasons it seems unlikely that I shall be able to resume my Godwit existence but I'm more optimistic now about a return to my other spiritual home.

My cancer treatment has been under close review since I returned  and a couple of weeks ago I had a complete set of scans which confirmed that no prostatic cancer tumours have developed in my abdomen or chest.  So the situation is that my blood count is increasing rapidly but is still low enough for hormone treatment to be delayed for a while in order to achieve maximum benefit.  Apparently that is because I am quite fit and the treatment has not had an adverse effect on me in the past.  So it looks like taking any decisions about returning to NZ for the time being are still on hold.

However who knows what will happen in a few months and I am now back in an optimistic enough frame of mind to believe that I shall be seeing The Family again in their own setting and that I shall again play croquet on the hallowed Marewa lawns: perhaps not this summer but certainly the following one.


  1. Well, that is very good news for you even if NZ misses seeing you this summer. We will always cope with the virtual GB wherever you live :)

  2. I am pleased you are able to be optimistic. I don't pray, but thankful and wishful thinking is a regular habit for me. You are in my thoughts often!

    1. And you are so often in mine too Jaz. You have been an inspiration.

  3. Great picture and the very best of luck.

    1. Thanks Adrian. I was quietly pleased with the pic. I've been very lucky so far and I think the lady will stay with me.

  4. Beautiful picture and an excellent thanksgiving post. I hope and pray that you are healthy and well and are able to return to NZ this summer. :))

  5. Your Thankful Thursday post is always a good reminder for me to stop and reflect on my own week GB. Thank you for that.

    1. I've now reflected on your week too Carol. I'm lucky!

  6. Great to hear that you are in good spirits and planning for good times in NZ once again.

    1. I'm blessed with good spirits Helsie. I'm sure that New Zealand will see me again. Thank you.

  7. I haven't been for a visit in quite awhile, Graham, but I do think of you often. The news is good, although...hearing that you were feeling a little down at one point surprises me a tad. You're much of an optimist. Sometimes, even more so than I. I do wish that I had more time for sitting still, visits, and breathing in the contentment - with our Vermont winter's ... maybe I shall see myself with time again. Love and prayer to you, one part of me that will always remain -- my faith <3

    1. Heather, every day I look at my hermit thrush who has (hopefully temporarily) migrated to Scotland and made his or her home under my kitchen wall clock. You will understand what that means. Things have changed quite a lot since I wrote that post but my optimism remains.

  8. It's a wonderful picture and a post that sets me thinking. A rather intimate post, too; it is good to know you feel comfortable enough with us, your blogging friends, around to write about what is (and was) on your mind.

    1. Meike in a way it was the photo that gave me the impetus to write the post. My Blogworld is small and intimate and I do feel comfortable in it as you so correctly surmised.

  9. Every cloud does indeed have a silver lining, (Great Photo!!) and I am optimistic that you will enjoy yet another summer in your other spiritual home.
    Wishing you the best health-wise my friend.


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