Monday, 20 October 2014

An Unhealthy Interest

The young couple who are my neighbours have now acquired two puppies and two cats.  They all seem delightful.  Well, as delightful as cats can be when they are interested in one's goldfish.

The solution that I had found to keep the seagulls off seemed unlikely to deter this curious chap.

So another deterrent had to be found

and this is it: floating plastic interconnecting grids which prevent  the cat from getting into the pond or scooping the fish out and at the same time preventing the gulls swooping down.  What's more for most of the time they can hardly be seen 


  1. Replies
    1. Yes Adrian it is and in most lights and from most angles you can't actually see the protectors.

  2. very clever! hope it works as it is very unobtrusive ....

    1. It seems to be very effective Fiona and had very good reviews from its purchasers.

  3. Your gold fish pond is absolutely lovely!!!

  4. Your pond and garden are looking lovely, I agree with Ruth.
    ANd that is an attractive deterrent.

  5. That is a great deterrent! Must keep an eye out for these....of course there is another for the cat problem!

    1. True Serenata. But I wouldn't like to fall out with my neighbours. I could have used all the remains of the lemons I've just used for making limoncello but they look a bit unsightly scattered around the garden and I've never been convinced that they deter cats. I have tried ultrasonic deterrents in the past but to no avail.

  6. You could call them plastic lily pads. Much more aesthetic. Great problem solving.

  7. There's always a challenge. It's a challenge to set up a good working pond. It's a challenge to keep the rascals out of the pond.

    1. Oh that all life's challenges were so simply solved Red!

  8. That's brilliant! Where did you get them?

    1. Frances they came from a company called Garden Selections via Amazon here.

  9. I could lend you a dog. She loves cats.

    1. Molly will have a whale of a time when she comes: two new cats to play with!

  10. They look like large spider webs on the water!
    My cat used to climb into the aquarium and sit on the shelf looking down at the turtle and the goldfish. she never tried anything - just kept watching them, possibly wondering how they breathed. (as do I, to tell the truth!)

    1. Violet Sky this cat is a natural born hunter and stalks the garden's birds at every opportunity. S/he dipped a paw in the water but how much further s/he would go I don't like to guess. Better to be sure than sorry.

  11. A good idea! He he I am waiting for you to post a picture of one of the cats trying to stand on the "spider webs" in its enthusiasm for catching goldfish! My old cat would have been daft enough to do that.

    1. Meike I'd love to get a picture of that and at least I'd be there to rescue it. It wouldn't be able to escape on its own.

  12. Poor pussy! Pussies need to eat you know. Can't you just chuck a few extra goldfish into the pond? No one likes to see an undernourished pussy.

    1. YP I'm sure this very well fed pussy will manage without the occasional goldfish. I was actually thinking of a few piranha for a change.

  13. That looks like a clever solution, without disturbing the view much from the human perspective :) The fish are beautiful - no wonder the cats (and the gulls) get interested as well...

    1. Most of the time it's almost impossible to see the grids Monica.

  14. Those poor fish having to battle all kinds of predators, and just when they thought they were safe again, along comes a pussy cat.
    I like the floating hexagons, hadn't seen those before....ingenious and aesthetically pleasing as well....whatever did we do without Amazon???

    1. They are a really good idea Virginia and so far have proved their worth.


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