Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Reflections of New Zealand: White Water Rafting

In a comment on my last post Frances Garrood mentioned that she fancied white water rafting.  Given that her last post was entitled My Brush With Death and simply referred to a quiet afternoon with a young grandson I thought that I would show a few of the photos from my white water rafting in New Zealand back in 2006.

A 'quiet' fall
Approaching the biggie
You have to get it absolutely right 

We did
The highest commercially run drop in the Southern Hemisphere
Through successfully
I would add that the boat after us didn't and everyone was thrown into the water at the bottom.  The guides, who had all been having good fun until that moment, suddenly turned exceptionally professional and their training and calmness together with the first class briefings we had had meant that no one was hurt.  It was a very 'bonding' experience though because the two boats that were already down (we were the second) had to pick up all those from the upturned boat.


  1. This is so much fun. We have rafting here as well on some of our faster mountain rivers. (Like Neretva)

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. It was terrific fun Mersad. I'd do its again tomorrow.

  2. Looks like you had such fun. I remember going White Water Rafting when I was around 18 years old I think, I remember it being both a lot of fun but scary as well...not sure I would do it now though!

    1. I wasn't scared then Serenata but I think I would be if I did it again.

  3. I white water rafted out of Queenstown in NZ and I have to say I have never been so scared!!! More scared than bungee jumping. At one point another tourist had gone overboard and the raft was stuck on top of them, going nowhere fast. It was scary! We can white water raft and bungee jump here in FNQ ~ the water a bit warmer than Queenstown. But I haven't brought myself to do either again. That was my 20's :). I know ~ live dangerously Carol!

    1. Carol I would never ever ever ever go bungee jumping but I would do the white water again tomorrow. I love abseiling too. Bungee jumping.......arghhhhhhh!

  4. Never, never, NEVER in my life am I going to do something like that unless life-threatening circumstances force me to!!!
    For one thing - what do you do if you wear specs? Fasten them around your head with a rubber band? Even if you don't lose them, you won't see anything because they'll just get sprayed with water droplets from the very start...
    No, there certainly is enough thrill and drama in my life for me not to require any additional "kick" by white water rafting, bungee jumping or similar.

    1. I'm very fortunate Meike in that I don't have to wear my spectacles for longer distances although they are varifocals and I never normally take them off. White water rafting is great. Bungee jumping is for the totally mentally challenged!

  5. Infinitely preferable to the bumper car experience, Graham. It looks wonderful!

    1. Frances I am so pleased that you thought that. If I win the lottery you shall do it!

  6. It looks like everybody was having fun.

    1. Red everyone was having fun except when they were absolutely scared stiff.

  7. What incredible photos of an incredible experience....I really must tick this white water rafting off my Bucket List.
    You obviously knew what you were doing since you sat right up
    Here I was thinking I must get the bungee jumping of my list as well, then to see you refer to it as for the "totally mentally challenged."

    1. Virginia given that Carol has bungee jumped I think I went a bit far with my 'totally mentally challenged' statement. Sorry Carol. What I should have said is that I lack any one of the many courage genes needed to undertake such an escapade. On the other hand the next drop down on the run I did used to be even higher but was taken out of the permitted drops after loss of life.

  8. I am sorry Graham, I like to empathise with other peoples' fun but this looks like hell on earth ! Now I must read Frances' post. What on earth can she have been doing?

    1. Jenny I can't explain why but this, abseiling and paragliding are three of the most awesome things I've done yet no-one on the face of this earth would get me to bungee-jump.

  9. Graham, the intrepid indeed. I did that once when I was young and up for anything. I'd line up again given the chance, it was a lot of fun.

    1. Well Pauline perhaps if I get back to NZ........


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