Tuesday, 2 September 2014


For those who might not be aware there is to be a referendum on the 18 September on whether Scotland should become an independent nation state.  The two 'sides' are divided into the 'Yes' camp and the 'Better Together' or 'No Thanks' camp.

On the way home this afternoon from the house that Gaz is building, Gaz and I came across an Island in the middle of a loch a few hundred metres from the roadside.  It's one thing for Scotland to want independence but I think this is going just a bit too far:

I should add that I took a few photos of record from near the road but Gaz bounded across the moor to get some 'proper' photos with lots of good Scottish heather in the foreground.  Given the dull weather I thought these were pretty darn good.


  1. The independence thing can get very emotional. We've had a couple of close calls.

    1. Emotions are running very high here Red. It will, I think, take a long time for some to heal whichever way the referendum goes.

  2. I only have eyes for that heather! So beautiful! Thanks to Gaz for getting that for me, I appreciate it.

  3. The landscape is a lot more beautiful without any signs or flags propped up in it.

    1. Meike there are thousands - actually - of lochs and lochans here so this temporary blip won't affect the landscape very much nor for very long.

  4. I am amazed by how little people discuss independence. Whoops, I meant......I am amazed how little discussion I hear amongst normal people.
    Alan Cochrane the Telegraphs Scottish editor usually has plenty to say for the No campaign but even he is running out of words.

    1. It's quite a hot topic here on the Island Adrian. Little and large people are all discussing it and getting quite hot under their collars (those who wear collars anyway). There are only so many ways anyone can say 'No' which rather limits the discussion. The Nos have rein a very negative campaign and I think the outcome on the 18th may yet surprise us all.

    2. Yes many silly comments from both sides but accusing Salmond of awarding a £300,000.00p contract to Weightwatchers is hardly front page news (Yesterdays Telegraph). They are contracted to treat 4000 people. £75.00p/ tummy and bum doesn't seem bad value to me. There has been too much negative and silly comment from the NOs. Salmond has always made his share of daft remarks but I can't help liking the bloke.

  5. Someone with a great sense of humour or too much time on their hands I suspect......whatever the outcome, I hope it will all be okay, and all the frienemies will become friends again once it's all over.

    1. I hope so too Virginia and I am usually a very positive and optimistic person but....

  6. Surprising for you to see the Yes sign on the wild little island. I will watch the election results.

  7. The heather added to the photo is just the perfect touch, Graham. If you were here you'd be hearing all about the upcoming elections. Politics are everywhere.

    1. Pauline i've been reading about it in the daily TVNZ updates and it sounds rather unpleasant.


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