An email from John Lewis containing this image dropped into my inbox a couple of days ago. I know that I'm not into suits nor fashion these days but, really, is this what Savile Row now regards as suits for the fashionable?
1 hour ago
He looks ridiculous. A man's head on a boy's body, as if the picture was photoshopped together. But I'm afraid it is not. I've seen similar images in recent magazines. You are a fashion icon in your own right - just look at that picture of you from the wedding, wearing that kilt and looking so very smart and at ease with yourself!
ReplyDeleteThank you very kindly Meike. Certainly my suits are more conventional than that. If I wore them that short (I don't have any boots) my legs would be showing which would, I'm sure, get strange looks.
DeleteHa ha ha, now I have seen it all, I think the trouser legs have had an argument with the shoes & socks.... as for his head & body, Librarian has said it all!
ReplyDeleteI agree Serenata.
DeleteThe suit looks at least one if not two sizes too small for him. One word I would NOT use is tailored... :)
ReplyDeleteYes, Monica, we are far.
DeleteI wonder if it's a generational thing - I quite like the suit (but not the facial hair!)
ReplyDeleteHelen I can't pass comment on the facial hair having had a beard since my 20s. You may be correct about it being a generational thing although I've certainly never seen anyone wearing a suit like that and when I last looked in John Lewis I didn't see any like that either. Mind you I wouldn't have noticed if the legs were too short.
DeleteGraham, John used to be responsible for buying all the men's tailoring for J Lewis. He would never, ever have bought anything so awful. Is it some kind of joke?
ReplyDeleteIf it's a joke Frances I don't think anyone will be laughing because it's funny but because it's ridiculous. But that's obviously not to say that there are not plenty of youngsters out there who are happy to look like that. Have you seen any on TV with suits like that? Btw John was appalled when I showed him that picture!
DeleteFrances it did occur to me that I've certainly never seen any of the JL sales staff wearing suits like that! I wonder what the reaction of management and customers would be if they did.
DeleteIt's ghastly....surely you hit the Delete button after that.
ReplyDeleteThere was too much mileage in a blog post Virginia to hit the delete button before I'd copied it.
Delete'fraid so, GB. In the photos my nephews and nieces have been posting of the weddings they've been attending, all the guys look like this. Shades of Edwardian England! Well, they do say that everything old is new again! xoxo
ReplyDeleteAh well DeeDee there were none at my son's wedding a few weeks ago but I have another one this week so I shall keep an eye open.
DeleteIt's been bugging me at the back of my head who that bearded guy reminds me of... Just now it struck me whose image I think it resembles (just the beard, not the suit!). Friedrich Engels!
ReplyDeleteThere's certainly plenty of facial hair on both Monica.
DeleteIt would do for gardening in at a pinch. Looking at the cut of the trousers pinch it would.
ReplyDeleteI suspect George and Asda have better at a fraction of the price.
Adrian it did occur to me that those trousers might be dangerously tight in a certain area.
DeleteI think I'd have to look pretty hard to find anything like that around here. Thank heavens!
ReplyDeleteYes, Pauline, not a New Zealand thing I think.