Thursday, 17 October 2013

Thankful Thursday

I've been taking photos since before ever so long ago.  Obviously in The Olden Days I took them in black and white (for you youngsters that's 'without colours').  Sometimes I used B&W even after colour had become my norm.  Some people like Andrea use no colour most of all the time.  Strange but true.  She has a Bronica ("bow, bow ye lower middle classes...").  I never did but this one still turned out to be square so I obviously had some camera or other which took square photos.  We may never know which one it was.  This was my Mum holding a couple of sparklers.  I've always been rather secretly pleased with it.  Today I am coming out and turning secret into no longer secret.

Today I am thankful for Dad who encouraged me to take photographs from a very early age and who helped me enormously in every way.


  1. That really is something well worth your gratitude, having had a Dad that was the way he was. And the picture is wunderschön!

    1. Thank you Meike. When I see and hear how many people relate to their parents I realise just how fortunate CJ and I were.

  2. This is a wonderful photograph. Much more affective than the long exposure sparkler shots. I am slightly perturbed with the lack of gloves and safety glasses.

    1. Adrian I fully agree that the wanton recklessness of my parents and their generation in not wearing full safety gear was reprehensible. On the other hand I think it taught people that grabbing brining sparklers and sticking them in one's various orifices resulted in pain.

    2. Wha...? I was going to respond to Adrian's comment that a little bit of spark on the hand never hurt me, and then ... ORIFICES!???

      Lovely, lovely photo Geeb. Thank you for sharing it!

    3. Sorry Katherine I was thinking of ears, eyes, mouth etc all of which are open to the elements and sparks.

  3. I love black and white photos...they somehow convey more and are more expressive....but that's just me.
    A lovely photo of your mum......she sparkles in her own way.
    Lucky you to have such a wonderful photo to treasure.

    1. Mum did sparkle in her own way Virginia; you are right. I think that I would add one word to your comment: can. "..they somehow can convey more and are more expressive.."

    2. Good idea with the "can." Yes, it's true.

  4. Love the photo! Love the lack of gloves and safety glasses even more, mind!
    My "thankful" could have been almost identical to yours - it would have been "Thankful for having a Great Uncle & Great Aunt who bought me my first ever camera when I was 7, introducing me to a world that still fascinates and intrigues me now"

    1. Robyn I'm so pleased that you, too, had that fortunate experience. It's a magical world.

  5. I love the image too - Bronica or not!

    Shall I use the Hasselblad next?

    1. A Hasselblad Andrea?! I'll have to courtesy next time we meet in the Woodlands.


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