Friday, 18 October 2013

A New Dog on The Block

Just over two years ago Elodie was born in Maumulon, France.  Two months later she found a new home further south near Duras with Viv.  The freedom of 40 acres of plum trees and vines and acres of paddock and gardens.   The freedom to roam and exercise of which most non-working dogs can only dream.  

And what a lovely lady she has turned into.  Now she is a well-travelled lady with her own pet-passport and a more miles under her belt than many humans achieve in two years.  

Yesterday on Bosta beach on Lewis she had a great time:


  1. I should have added that this is the first sandy beach that Elodie had ever had free run on.

  2. Graham these are not dogs. Both are beautiful. Your pictures do them justice.
    PS. You can edit your own posts didn't you know.

    1. PPS. Could you ask Viv to post a letter. You are good at snapping letter posters.

    2. Viv was suitably amused by your comments this morning before she left on the early ferry. I'm afraid the letter posting was put off due to bad - indeed non-existent - light.

  3. Wow, Elodie is a beautiful dog even at just over two years old.
    What a happy memory for Viv when she looks back at your photos to relive Elodie's first experience at the sweet.
    My favorite.....the one of her jumping high to catch the stick....great photo.

    1. Thanks Virginia. I took very many photos (over 150) of which about a dozen satisfied me for keeping.

  4. The perfect life for a dog! I wish more dogs had such sensible owners, the kind of person who would only get a dog if they really know they have enough time and space for them.

    1. Yes, Meike, Elodie is a very fortunate dog just as Molly, my other Collie visitor is. In fact all my friends who have dogs are very good to them and exercise them well too. I suppose if they didn't they wouldn't be the sort of people I'd want as friends.

    2. Wonderful set of photos. Not easy to get sharp shots of dogs (or people) moving!

  5. Lovely pics of a lovely dog. She was beautifully behaved in our wee flat this afternoon.

  6. Such a smart looking doggie, so alert! She has that look in her eyes that my Shasta had. Ah, the freedom of the beach. Nothin' better for a dog!


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