Friday, 11 October 2013

Portrait of a Place

Andrea, a fellow Islander and blogger with a thousand old film cameras, a penchant for black and white (and various photographic techniques I'd not heard of until I started reading her blog), and a wonderfully eccentric style doesn't 'do' landscapes.  So when she produced one a few days ago she called it a 'Portrait of a Place'.  I'm never ashamed publicly to admit it when ideas are not my own so strictly speaking I never plagiarise I simply use other peoples' ideas.  Of course having now given Andrea credit for the words I will continue to use them and at some time in the future someone will read them and not realise they are not mine.  Honour and morality are satisfied and I will still get some residual credit in the future.  

This doesn't just apply to today's heading.  There will be many more which, over the years, even I have come to believe are my own original thoughts.  Of course people who know me well know that, competent though I may be in writing up an adversarial case for, for example, a ministerial meeting or  a planning inquiry, any original thoughts contained therein will always have been gleaned from others who have the required talents.

This is a rather different portrait of a place that my readers see all the time but from a very different perspective.  This was taken from across the valley by Dave (Spesh's hubby) on his mobile phone.  My house is indicated by the arrow.


  1. Thank goodness for the arrow.....I would have never guessed that your abode was anywhere in that beautiful photo.
    I love the light rays pouring down from above.....absolutely beautiful.
    And to think you only have 23 days left (as I write this) to enjoy this beauty before you head off again.

    1. Unfortunately Virginia not every day is as clear and beautiful; although today was. And when it's like this there is no finer place on earth.

  2. Thanks for the link. It's always good to see original work.

    1. I thought that Andrea's might be your sort of blog Adrian.

  3. What a beautiful scene! I would like to use this image for desktop background. Could I?

    1. I'm sure that Dave would be delighted Shadi. Good to see you here.

  4. Gosh, that is one fantastic photo, David. Harris is so clear! It really gives a perspective to your home.

  5. It's a wonderful photo. I think by now I might have guessed where it was from ('your bay seen from the other side'; even if it would have been hard to pick out your house without the arrow, I have to admit!) Did I tell you by the way that I bought Peter May's book 'Hebrides' with photos by David Wilson, just recently published? Just started reading it, but the photos are truly breathtaking.

    1. I haven't seen the book yet Monica although it's getting a lot of chat. I must look it out.

  6. What a wonderful place for a house! Sometimes I find myself dreaming (I mean, really dreaming, while asleep) of escaping to such a place and being very happy there. I don't know why since I am definitely a city person.

    1. I am a very fortunate person Jenny and for me it is nigh on perfect because I am definitely not a city dweller. You'd probably enjoy it for a short break in good weather.

  7. First of all, that's a great landscape photo, and second, it really looks like heaven on earth. Especially with the sun rays above!

    Mersad Donko Photography

    1. When the sun shines (as it has done flawlessly today) it is heaven on earth Mersad. At least it is for me.

  8. He can you bear to leave that beautiful place every winter, GB? Ok, I'm used it's very cold, but it is quite breathtaking.

    1. Actually Frances it's not so much cold as dark (and often wet and windy) in the winter. When I'm here in the winter I simply hunker down and do winter things like reading and so on. The thing is that New Zealand with it's sun, the MX5 and croquet ios so much more appealing. The landscape there is stunning too.

  9. I almost not saw the arrow, Graham. Yes, I know my eyesight has gone from bad to worse. That's why I have an appointment next Monday.

    1. Sorry, Meike, it was a very small arrow. I'm sorry that your eyesight is deteriorating.

  10. . . . and it becomes even more crystal clear as to why you love the place so dearly. . . . :^)


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