Tuesday, 15 October 2013


I know that some of my Blogland pals - including my bruv, CJ aka Scriptor Senex - are often up and about in the very early hours of the morning.   In the UK summer here in the Hebrides the sun is often well over the horizon by 4am and I tend to get up very early (ok, not at 4am because I'm not usually in bed until well after midnight) but as the winter draws near and the sun is still below the horizon at 7am I tend to get more reluctant to be up at the crack of dawn.  This morning, though, around 5am I was up and re-loading the dishwasher after last night's dinner party.

So as I write this the dishwasher and the washing machine are gently thrumming away in their respective rooms and I'm in Blogland.

The mornings are presenting different and very varies views around dawn:

As the day progresses the sky is not so good for photography: there's not a cloud anywhere to be seen


  1. Beautiful. It really pays off in photography to get up early.

  2. Well worth getting up for. Light can play wonderful tricks.

    1. Oh yes it certainly can Adrian. Just like the evening.

  3. Magnificent. :^)

  4. Can't really think of anything better to say than has already been said above... (Beautiful, wow and well worth getting up for.) Even here it's easier to get out of bed on a sunny morning. In spite of my blog-name I'm rarely up as early as 5 am though. Well, come to think of it... this time of year, neither is the sun!

    1. In all honesty Monica I'm rarely up at that time either. I just woke and didn't feel like sleep so got up. I was pretty happy..

  5. I second Frances' comment. Although, on second thoughts, make that a triple wow.

  6. Gorgeous. Worth getting up for. Doesn't work at my house as I don't have a view to appreciate !

    1. Having the views makes all the difference Fiona.

  7. Breathtaking photos....looks like the beginning of a great day.
    "Morning has broken.....like the first morning" are the words that spring to mind.

    1. They were all wonderful days Virginia. It's been a very good spell.

  8. I will leave it for your pictures to show me what the sunrise looks like - however the sunsets that I see from the west window of the sun room are pretty magnificent too..The pictures you took this morning really are something special.

    1. Thanks Pat. You do see the sunsets more readily than I do.

  9. What fabulous photo, GB. Makes it worth getting up so early. xoxox Carol

    1. It does Carol It makes a very happy start to a day.

  10. Glad you were the one to get up early to take those, the majority of other people wouldn't have done so so successfully.

    1. Fortunately I'm a morning person Pauline. Thank you for the compliment.

  11. Really lovely photos. You are lucky to live in a beautiful place.

    1. I'm exceptionally fortunate Lizzie. Good to see you here.

  12. beautiful. Pity I'm not up at that time to see this.

  13. Ah Carleo but you could always ask your hubby to describe it to you (of course you could always rise and feast your eyes in person too!).

  14. Stunning. Yes, everyone else has said it, but I am going to, too.
    I love the glowing 'tabula rasa' of a new day. It asks me 'What are you going to do with me?'
    PS. how can you be a morning person Geeb when you are also an 'after midnight' person?

  15. I'd never really thought of the glowing light of the new day as a tabula rasa Katherine. Probably because we don't generally have that sort of clear 'blank' sky. I shall look at it differently in the future. The answer to your question is (or used to be) quite simple. When I go to bed and put my head on the pillow I am asleep within seconds as a rule, sleep the sleep of the dead and wake and get up immediately. I never used to need much sleep. These days I don't sleep quite so soundly nor do I always leap out of bed on dark mornings the second I wake. Age cometh not alone.


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