Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Away For A Few Days

I left the Island yesterday at the crack of dawn for a few days on the Mainland: principally to attend the funeral of the mother of a friend of many years standing.

As the ferry was preparing to leave Stornoway I managed these photos (I'm afraid that the last one is very 'noisy'):

As we were entering Loch Broom I couldn't resist the inevitable photo of the ship's wake:

The hills had a very watercolour look about them:

and some of the very remote crofts were emphasised


  1. Even though the occasion of your travel was sad, you did manage to capture some very atmospheric pictures.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Graham, noise is the very devil. Can you switch noise reduction off? You should also switch any auto in camera sharpening to OFF. Low light shots don't need noise to be sharpened. Noise is most evident in areas of flat colour like sky and worse in under exposed areas. It's too late now but if after the penultimate image you had shot a black frame I could have rescued it.
    Good to see you back.

    1. PS. It is a sign of age is PSing. To get a black frame just pop the lens cap on straight away and press the button, you have to do it whilst the sensor pixels are still hot. The 7D you have stolen would eat low light without noise the 5D is better. Gaz would love a full frame so just hang on to the lended one. I'm sure he could beg borrow or steal a 1Ds.

    2. Thanks for those tips Adrian. I don't use auto sharpening or anything like that in the camera. Gaz does want a full frame camera and I do like the 7D. His camera bag weighs more than my total luggage to NZ weighs though and, of course, if it goes in the hold it's not insured. Whilst I'm commuting to NZ it'll have to be a bridge camera for me to give me the versatility at a light weight.

  3. That penultimate photo is breathtaking. GB, you're amazing.

  4. A sad trip for you now, but I'm sure that the family will be able to draw strength from you being there.
    I loved the "watercoloured" hills photo the best.

    1. I was quite pleased with it too Virginia. Thanks.

  5. What a fascinating looking place. I can only imagine the terrain is due to the harsh weather. Beautiful, all the same!

    1. The mountains are the same rock as the Canadian Laurentian Highlands of Canada Lisa and the weather certainly contributes to the virtually treeless vegetation.

  6. I think even I would appreciate an early morning with scenes like that! That second to last shot is breathtaking.

    1. Thanks Pauline. It was the perfect autumn morning for photography. I was very lucky.

  7. Heart-tugging, jaw-dropping, eye-popping, breath-taking pictures! These would work very well as large prints on a wall, or part of an artistic photo calendar.

  8. I love the 'watercolour' one. I want to paint it. (I couldn't hear a thing on your noisy one - and I turned the volume up!)

    Please pass on my commiserations to 'friend of many years standing'. Been thinking of her.

  9. I'm glad you got such a beautiful sunrise on the day you had to get up early and catch the ferry! And I love the soft colours in the watercolour-like one... (would love to have that as a real watercolour painting on my wall!)

  10. you always take the most amazing photos. These are lovely. Stornoway looks great

    1. Thanks Carleo. I try. I do hope that you haven't caught my cold.

    2. taking lots of preventatives so managing to keep it at bay x


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