Friday, 4 October 2013

A Mixed Day

I arrived home at 9.30 pm yesterday (Thursday) after a day's driving up the west coast of Scotland in the rain.  During the journey I learned that a person who is very special to me is expecting a baby and that another person, who is younger than I and whom I have known for nigh on 40 years, has died.  

Today has been a day of mixed feelings.

Anna came up to Lewis with me for a long weekend and we had a relaxing and enjoyable day and evening visiting and being visited.

I have one of those head colds that makes concentrating between the bouts of sneezing and nose-blowing difficult.  I have probably spread it far and wide.  I apologise to anyone who gets it.

It's also been a day of minor frustrations outwith my control.

So I've not read any blogs, nor caught up with Words With Friends, nor replied to emails.  Now, if I can stop sneezing and blowing my nose, I'm going to get some sleep.

Earlier in the year I planted these prize geraniums, Roxanne, which were a present from Anna.  They are beautiful and doing well:

They make me happy.


  1. Bless you :)
    Flowers have given me much happiness lately too. Simple pleasures mean so much x

    1. I think that as we get older, Fiona, we realise that things don't have to be elaborate to be pleasurable.

  2. I hope your cold leaves you soon. Such a stunning shot of a beautiful flower! Yours are different from geraniums in the US.

    1. Thanks Norma. I've woken up this morning (Wednesday) with an almost clear head. We have many types of geraniums in the UK.

  3. Gesundheit! Natalie has one too, tho' I suspect not 'your' one. Unless you have an exceedingly powerful sneeze! Lovely, lovely image. ..... must... paint.....

    1. I hope that Natalie's feeling better now Katherine. I did have a worryingly powerful sneeze or five but possibly not quite that powerful. It reminded me of the time I told someone never to stifle a sneeze because it could cause the eyes to pop out. That one came back to haunt me.

    2. My mum used to say that 'steam' would come out of your navel... Nat is a lot better, thank you. Hope you are too. Anne sends her regards.

  4. Gesundheit!
    Sleep well, and hopefully, you'll outsleep that head cold. As for the mixed feelings; well, such is life, isn't it? (I know that sounds really flat and banal, but you know that I have enough first-hand experience with dramatic and sad events in my life that - to a certain extent - I know what I am talking about.)

    1. Danke Meike. I'm almost back to normal. You are absolutely correct, of course, such is life.

  5. It's always hard to hear bad news, isn't it? Must be the time of year for it. You are so healthy you will probably outlive many, many more friends. Lovely flower image!

    1. The funny thing Pauline is that the capacity of colds for making us feel miserable is highly under-stated. On the other hand when people have a head-cold and say they have 'flu that bugs me. When you have 'flu you are truly incapacitated.

  6. Prosit! is what we say here when someone sneezes. Sorry to hear a cold caught you. I hope it will release you out of its grip soon! Life is a strange mix of ups and downs, isn't it. Keep looking at those flowers! :)

    1. I'm soooo sorry for my multiple repetitive comments - I think I shall have to give up trying to send blog comments from my phone!!! At my end it seemed I was having login problems... Had no idea (until just now) that instead I managed to send the same comment eleven times!( I swear, it was not meant to be one for every sneeze!)

    2. 'Bless you!' or 'Gesundheit' is the usual response in the UK too. I'v recovered now thanks and hopefully normal service is about to be resumed.

  7. Have a good sleep GB. Take care of yourself

  8. Life is a rollercoaster, isn't it, and I do commiserate with the loss of your friend. Each death takes a bit of your life away with it, doesn't it.

    Beautiful flowers, and a great photo, as always.

    1. Yes Frances life is strange but as an old friend used to say "If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined." In a manner of speaking I know what he meant.

  9. At least the flower is doing well... Hope you'll feel better soon!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  10. It's the circle of life dear GB. My mum always reminded me that as one soul departs this earth, another arrives, so true in this case.
    Sorry to hear about the death of your friend, which has caused your immune system to take a blow as well.
    I hope your cold is much better soon. I now know why I just sneezed three times in succession after I started to read this post.
    Lovely photo, it would make a pretty painting as Katherine suggested.
    Glad you're back home safely.

    1. That is so true Virginia and as we get older more and more do we become aware of the mortality of our friends. It's a simple and inevitable truth.


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