Monday, 9 September 2013

Another Post For Spesh

Spesh loves pink.  If you are going to have a pink car though this is the car to have:

Definitely not this one - it was hideous!

Both cars were at Parkgate on the Wirral.  What is it with that area?


  1. These made eating Wheetbix a struggle.

    1. How do you think my camera felt? It's not been the same since it saw the Audi.

  2. Obviously someone likes colour.....and both cars stand out in a crowd.
    They've got us all talking about them, maybe that's what the owner wants to achieve....some folks love to make outrageous statements in their manner of dress, speech, mannerisms, and vehicles.
    You and Adrian are just too much.

    1. Virginia I love colour: just not that particular colour (and definitely not on a car).

  3. I hate pink, but they must be very easy to find (I am a serial loser of cars).

  4. Frances, to lose one car may be regarded as a misfortune but to lose two sounds like carelessness. You wouldn't be able to lose one of those however hard you tried (and I would try very hard).

  5. I love pink, but NOT this shade! I agree with Virginia. I chose pink eye glasses last year for that reason. I thought that since I need glasses to see, I might as well make a statement with them! :)

    1. Pink eye glasses definitely makes a statement Norma. I wouldn't deny that.

  6. Yaaaaahhhh! Don't you just know me so well. Any colour as long as it is PINK - any shade of will do.
    Beautiful, Pink - such a smiley and happy colour. YES PLEASE.

    1. I know you love the colour Pat just as I love yellow. But then I would never have a yellow car. Ah. Just remembered. Actually we did have a yellow Volvo Estate back in the 80s.


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