Thursday, 1 August 2013

Thankful Thursday

Last night I read Jaz's Thankful Thursday post.  Written in New Zealand it appeared before I went to bed on Wednesday.  I thought that Jaz's words were perfect and I am - absolutely unashamedly - not just going to re-direct you to her post here (where you will see her the photo she used as well) but I am going to repeat her words which I could not hope to better:

Today I am thankful for all expressions of love and care.

Family that pull together and friends that become family.
Being thankful is about taking stock.
I look around me and feel a whole lot of kindness.
As I have said to my children for ever it's what you do and say that REALLY counts. If it aint kind, then don't!

Thankful Thursday everyone!
Jaz x


  1. I couldn't have said it any better...true deep emotional words.
    I totally agree...if it ain't kind, don't do or say it. Words to live by everyday.

  2. What a wonderful philosophy. And I love the line, "Being thankful is about taking stock." Because, as the man I used to work for was fond of saying, "Things could always be worse!"

    1. My father's favourite words.."It could be worse" very philosophical but true. That's how I face up to most of my problems, his words ringing in my ears.

    2. I used to use the phrase my Dad used 'Things could always be worse at sea." I stopped using it though when a close friend pointed out that she didn't like it 'cos her Dad worked on the liner Queen Mary.

  3. Thank you GB
    You always make me blush with pride. I'm glad you like my words. I mean everyone one of them too.
    Jaz x

    1. You are very welcome Jaz 'cos you have given me so much inspiration by example over the last few years.

  4. Excellent. Well done Jaz and well done GB for copying them.

    1. In case anyome is wondering how to comment on Jaz's blog - you left click on the post itself and an opportunity to comment appears. (I didn't realise that until today)

    2. Thanks CJ. I always manage to get there but by luck or a much more more circuitous route.

  5. Very true words! I join the list of those signing them.


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