Friday, 2 August 2013

Says It All Really

Well 12 consecutive days of glorious weather in July on Lewis is worthy of some celebration.


  1. We're expecting a max of 35 Celsius today, and it's gorgeous out there, not suffocatingly humid and smoggy. Same yesterday, and I very much enjoyed my evening run across the fields with a friend! I had not seen her since before my holiday, and then she was away, so we had some catching up to do while we were running.

    1. I used to have enough trouble with my breathing just running Meike never mind talking and running.

    2. When I started running in 2009, I was told to use the ability to talk as a measure for the right speed. Only when I am on my own and of course at the CityRun I run too fast for talking :-)

  2. Too hot for fishing but much too hot for painting.
    The rain didn't clear the air. Muggy and midgy here.

    1. Gales here on Lewis on Friday Adrian so no midges and, fortunately, no rain and some sun for my visitors.

  3. It's too hot for any outdoor activity here too....even fishing.
    Trying my best to keep my plants alive in the heat.

    1. I love the heat Virginia but suspect that that sort of heat would be quite beyond my limits.

  4. Replies
    1. Sunbathing's not really a Lewis think Jenny. Occasionally some do but it's a pretty rare phenomenon.

  5. Trying to catch up on blogs - I love this post! Reminds me of the one you posted that we saw somewhere - 'Closed due to sunshine!' or something like that.


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