Friday, 31 May 2013

Simple Things

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

I've been using the kitchen breakfast bar as my 'study' since I came back from NZ.  It has the same beautiful view but it is much cosier in this cold weather (the study has lots of glass and even though it's double-glazed it takes quite a bit to heat it in cold weather).  In hot, sunny weather it's so bright it cam be difficult to see the screen.  The only problem in the kitchen is that the bar chairs are a bit too low when using the breakfast bar for the laptop.  I've been trying to think of a workable solution for a week or more.  I can't find higher chairs.  Obviously I can't lower the bar.  I tried cushions to no avail (not supportive enough and they keep falling off).

So what am I now using?  What have I got more of in the house than anything else (possibly excepting CDs)?



  1. Oh my Word - Glad I don't have to sit and work at your computer - it must get very painful after a while.

    1. If I'm going to sit for a long time (that'll be the day!) then I'd put a cushion on top. My seats are wood anyway and I've never had a problem.

  2. I've just had a mouthful of coffee come back out of my nose....thanks a bundle.
    Try putting the books under the chair....

    1. I suppose that I could make some leg extenders. I might give that a try tomorrow. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Simplicity at its best, but how long do you plan to sit around like that? Could be painful after a while like Spesh said.
    Maybe Adrian's idea of books (or some other thing to heighten) underneath the chair may work a bit better.

    1. I'm a simple soul at heart Virginia. I've taken his idea on board and will try and make leg extenders.

  4. My comment is that the objects on the cover of the top book look a bit uncomfortable to sit on .... :)

  5. Yes Jenny. It's one of those books that somehow came into my possession and I've kept as a reference book. This is the most use it's ever had.

  6. Doesn't it make you feel all VERY young again? The last time someone placed a stack of books on a chair for me so that I would reach the table properly was, I guess, when I was in elementary school :-)

    1. I can't remember that far back Meike! Actually I can but I don't recall sitting on books. I know that in kindergarten our desks were minute.


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