Friday 10 May 2013

It's Been A Week

since I arrived back on Lewis and I've hardly spent a moment in Blogland.  I miss it.  I really do.  I miss knowing what my Blogland friends are doing.  I arrived back last Friday and, David, a friend of 40 years arrived on Sunday with Molly.  The week has been spent catching up with friends and most evenings there have been visitors whilst the days have been spent working in the garden whenever possible.

Molly has watched:

It has rained.   We had a guessing game this evening when I couldn't remember who sang 'Listen to the Pouring Rain.  Listen to it rain'.  Can you remember?  If you can't, you'll find the answer here to save you Googleing it.

Some mornings the sun has risen behind the hills of the Scottish mainland over 30 miles away across The Minch.

The sun has shone and it has been warm enough to bring out all the youngsters (who, I bet, are on study leave from school) to the beach below the house:

The Alchemilla mollis is in leaf and showing the rain off to best effect:

David decided that the pond algae was already in need of some clearing:

We have since re-laid all the flagstones surrounding the pond and the fish just swam around seemingly oblivious to all that was going on:

David and Molly have been down to the far beach each morning and sometimes met Pat (aka Spesh1) and Briagha (seen here from the house).

All in all it's been a pretty good week.

And now for the weekend.........


  1. Good to see the sunshine. Long may it continue but with a bit of rain at night.

  2. Your images are marvelous, Graham!!! And...Molly, she looks good. Love the one of her in front of the pond. The distant photo of the people, they look so teeny-tiny :)

    I haven't been blogging at all. Want to. Start to. But, my words have seemingly run from my brain when I begin typing. Or, I'll type something and think what nonsense, no one needs to hear that or cares to. I need to get back to the original home of my writing brain - the one that is open house to various thoughts all day long but I never open the door and let them out ;)

    Hi, friend!!

    1. Heather, if you want to then write. Take no notice of the readers, they all look at writing subjectively so it is impossible to tell what they will perceive as nonsense.
      If it's any help I write nonsense most days and often my readers interpret it objectively...that can be a little embarrassing...but it does polish my diplomatic skills replying to comments. What the hell! Blogging is supposed to be fun.

    2. Thanks Heather. Adrian's comment makes lots of sense. Write as you feel for you.

  3. Sounds like a pretty good week to me, too. I am happiy to report it has been raining here, too. Bit cold, though.

    1. I'm glad you've got the rain Pauline. Northland and The Bay needs it. However I bet it's still warmer with you than it is here 5 weeks from midsummer - It's 8℃ at 10am as I write this. Mind you there's no sun and it's trying to rain.

  4. Good to see you back on Lewis and in Blogland. Weather much the same as here, sun and rain :) and thanks for the name of that plant, I took a similar photo the other day but didn't know its name!

    1. Thanks Monica. All I have to do now is catch up with all my Blogland friends' posts.

  5. You have not been wasting any time, haven't you, Graham! Catching up with friends and making use of the favourable weather for gardening are the best things you could have been doing, in my opinion.
    The second picture from the top is breathtakingly beautiful. It would look great as a poster or part of a calendar or so.

    I've hardly been in blogland myself all week, but my only excuse is that I had RJ staying for most of the week, which always means spending time with him rather than at my computer.

    1. Thanks Meike. I'm just greedy. I want to be everywhere at once.

  6. A pretty good week glad you're back "home" and having fun.
    Happy to see that the fish made it through the winter okay, and were overjoyed to see you again.
    Molly is just like Brownie overseeing all the work being done.
    Help, invader alert!! The kids have taken over the beach....

    1. Virginia since I took the photo of the youngsters David and Molly have discovered that they were celebrating having taken their exams because the beach was littered with exam papers together with lots of items of clothing and sundry other items all abandoned or littering the beach.

    2. That's terrible about the littering...they should all know better, whether exams were finished or not.
      I imagine you and David and Pat took care of cleaning the beach?

    3. Virginia David did collect some of it up but there was far too much given that he hadn't taken a sack down with him. There was lots of flour and eggs too. I've not been down there all week.

    4. Flour and eggs? What on earth were those crazy kids up to on the beach?

    5. Who knows Virginia? I suspect they were letting off steam and seeing who could make the most mess for their Mother (sexist assumption here) to clean off their clothes when they got home although apparently quite a lot of clothes were obviously just abandoned. That says something about the waste and affluence of modern society.

  7. PS. I remembered the song but I would not have guessed the artist. I did have one of his albums once upon a time but not with that song on it (I think).

  8. Monica I've never owned a José Feliciano album but then I keep discovering that I have music I never realised I have which I've lost in the mists of time.


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