Monday 13 May 2013

It's All Frances's Fault

Well given that we live in a blame culture nowadays Frances is as good a person to blame as anyone.  It was, after all, she who posted on dreams and things happening with horses.  

I woke in the middle of last night whilst being chased by horses.  

As if that wasn't bad enough I had to get up at 0430 to see off David and Molly who were getting the early ferry from Tarbert and I woke in a state of considerable confusion given that my bed was in a glass sided pyramid occupied by a cobbler on the top of a turret of a stately home. 

Now at 2320 I've been up for nearly 19 hours and feel remarkably fresh and not tired at all.  Bizarre.

Have you ever noticed that Shakespeare never used 'ing' in the present tense of words?  I wonder when it came into general use and how it developed.

I was communicating with Wendy in Napier today.  It was hot there.  It was 5℃ here.  It's nearly winter there.  It's nearly summer here.  As the newscaster said this evening "Just 40 days before the nights start drawing in again".  With this sort of view from my kitchen window can you blame him for being rather negative.

Night night.  


  1. it was 95 her in CA today, but my dad had snow in PA, crazy weather.

    1. I often wonder Cat whether the weather has always been this crazy. Memory is a strange thing. I remember the winter of '47 when the snow brought Liverpool to a full stop for nearly three weeks and I remember long hot summers sitting on my bedroom window sill unable to sleep for the heat. So I think of cold winters and hot summers of my childhood. Was it really like that though?

    2. Some were milder others harsher, but the extremes seem to be the thing that are getting me. We have had 3 times the average amount of wildfires for this time of year so far and our Santa Ana winds should have stopped a couple of months ago, or not be starting till November. Our rain fall is at it's lowest in decades. As for snow in mid May even in the Great Lakes area that is very rare, that we are getting both at the same time...

  2. We had a crazy day here too. Started out bright and sunny, so I began to cut the front lawn, and then this big black cloud came up behind me and rained everywhere...that was the end of my lawn cutting for the day.
    Have you been reading some mystical tales? That's a real peculiar dream.
    You can go ahead and blame Frances for the horses chasing you in the other one.
    Hope David and Molly made it off least they had good weather while they were there.

    1. Virginia, David and Molly arrived home safe and well, if a little tired, late last night. Your weather sounds exactly like it is here although the background temperature will probably be about 20 deg higher!

  3. Now I am wondering what a cobbler is. A bed in a glass-sided pyramid on top of a stately home doesn't sound too bad - at least it should put an end to any horses coming near you while you're in there, unless we are talking of the flying kind, Pegasus-like.

    Cold and grey here, but not quite as cold as where you are, with hope for improvement towards later on in the week.

    1. In this context Meike a cobbler is a shoe mender. I suspect it's a term used by people of my generation when every village and suburb had its own cobbler or by people who read old children's story books where, if I remember correctly, cobblers were fairly frequent participants.

  4. Seem to be having a pleasant Autumn down here - some cold nights, but sunny days. Nothing as bad as the view from your window..... just been watching video of the two ice tsunami's in Canada recently, and wondering why they have that much ice this late in the season.

    1. I haven't seen or read about the ice tsunamis Fiona. Were they perhaps caused by glacial break off occurring because of warmer weather?

  5. So your ponies, mares and stallions are all ganging up on you now, are they?? Next time you try chasing THEM instead... Hope you slept better the night after.

    1. They are indeed Monica. I seem to be going through a bad patch when it comes to unpleasant dreams. It must be payback for my misspent youth. I just wish that I could remember what it was I enjoyed so much that deserves this karma.

  6. PS. Two proverbs come to mind from the images in the second dream. Let the cobbler stick to his last, and don't throw stones (cobbles?) when living in a glass house. As for glass pyramid it reminds me of the da Vinci code... ;)

    1. You would have to be a pretty fit shot putter to throw cobblestones Monica!

  7. I was rather hoping that after the winter we had, spring and summer might be nicer. Ah well...

  8. I am fond of horses. I'm comfortable with most animals. It's people I have a problem with.
    Sleet and sunny spells here.

  9. GB, I never asked you to dream about horses, did I?

    A well. Any publicity etc etc...

  10. I'm glad I'm not in your dreams. I have the advantage of forgetting mine within seconds of waking.


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