Tuesday 26 February 2013

Sometime I Sits and Thinks

...and sometimes I just sits.

Molly will be visiting Eagleton next week and, doubtless, she will do what she so often does and stare down towards the pier and the beach below the house.  This is one of David's (Molly's master)  favourite photographs. Molly would sit and do that for hours. We're still not sure what she finds so fascinating - sheep, birds, folk on the beach?


  1. Oh I love this photo...Molly is obviously a ponderer. I would sit with Molly for a while and see what she is seeing...how cute.

    1. Virginia, when she is not racing up and down the beach she can be a thinker but I get the impression that racing chasing balls is her preferred option. She is, after all, built for speed and action.

  2. Well you like that view yourself, don't you. And so do we who get to see you photos of it... So why not Molly? ;-)

    1. I do indeed, Monica, and can spent too much time just looking at it.

  3. She's my kind of gal {dog}....you would find me sitting there right beside her, staring off into the distance, breeze on my face. Mmmmmm. I could totally fall in love right there!

    1. It is a place of peace and tranquility and perfect for thinking about the things you contemplate Heather.

  4. I'm not sure she'd appreciate the Molly's master bit. She thinks it is otherwise.....and she might be right.

    1. I thought long and hard about that David but couldn't think of any other way of expressing it and Molly can't comment although she may give me a stern look when next we meet.

    2. She read your post and just looked skywards and shook her head. Says it all really.

  5. Possibly it's not just what she sees, but the overall sensory impression she gets, hearing and scent included. Look at how upright her ears are!

    1. Sorry I didn't respond to this comment at the time Meike. I think you are probably correct. She apparently did exactly the same when she visited last week.


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