Monday, 25 February 2013

Callanish Stones in Winter

Pat sent me some photos the a few days ago demonstrating the wonderful weather I was missing.  I think it happened to be the day the sun disappeared for a morning here in Napier.  I was going to ask if anyone could tell the difference between this photo of the Callanish Stones in winter and one taken in summer.  Then I realised, of course, that the sun is shining in this one.  But then I think the sun shone for a few days last May too.

At moments like this I could feel very, very homesick!


  1. A wonderful scene which I hope to see for myself.

    1. There is plenty to see and photograph when you get to Lewis and Harris that's for sure and vast open spaces for the dogs. Talking of which my next post on this blog will be about a Mollie.

  2. We have hardly seen the sun all month. In fact, there was something on German telly about it the other night: they said on the news that it was the dullest February in 50 years, measured in terms of sun hours.

    1. Apparently Lewis has been having glorious weather for a good few days now Meike.

  3. I've always wanted to visit StoneHenge, but these Callanish Stones look very interesting too.
    A lovely photo.

    1. The advantage these stones have over Stonehenge Virginia is that you can get up close and cosy with them and the area is not, as you can see from the photo, always mobbed with people.

  4. A magnificent view. But without knowing, it would be hard indeed to tell at which time of the year the photos were taken.

    1. You are right, Monica, the fact that there are no trees to look bare is a factor of course.

  5. We had a very good summer last year. Forest fires in Castle Grounds, requests from the Council to save water and we came within two days of water restrictions. Where were you all summer - in Italy and various parts of England and they were having the worst of summers. Time to stay at home this summer and enjoy fabulous weather. The weather map says full sun for the Western Isles again tomorrow. xx

    1. You really know how to rub it in Pat! I'm hoping to spend lots of time on Lewis this year (when I'm not in Glasgow or England or France).


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