Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Unlike Scriptor Senex

Scriptor's last post quoted Captain Oates who, on the ill-fated Scott expedition to the Antarctic was dying and walked out of the tent with the words "I'm just going outside and may be some time."  His body has never been found.  I am very pleased to add that SS/CJ said that he had every intention of returning to Blogland.

I, on the other hand, last posted the day after CJ's post and have since been away from Blogland as well.

CJ and I are, however, different in that I really had no intention of walking out of the metaphorical tent and being absent.  The truth is that I've been so busy on the mainland visiting and dealing with the real word on Lewis since I returned.  Tomorrow my next visitors arrive too.

So I'm not neglecting my friends in Blogland and I am very grateful for all the emails and comments wondering if all is well.  It is and I hope to be absent less from now on.  I hope........


  1. Don't we all know those phases when our offline lives take precedence (as they should) over our online lives?
    Enjoy your time in the real world and with your visitors!

    1. Thanks Meike. Ironically I might just have a bit more time while David is out walking Molly to catch up with a blog or two.

  2. It's been a very odd week in Blogland with the absence of both of you. If I hadn't had any forewarning I might have sent out a search party!

    1. It's always good to know there will be someone looking if I really get lost.

  3. If you are the one who stayed in the tent I hope you kept a diary!!


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