Saturday, 22 October 2011

A Walk Before Breakfast

I have a friend of long standing and his dog staying (I used to use the phrase 'old friend' but somehow people seem to take exception to that nowadays).  David and Molly have a routine first thing in the morning.  Coffee (just David!).  A walk.  Breakfast.  Whatever the weather.  This morning it's blowing a gale and raining.  The intrepid duo have, nevertheless, gone for their very healthy exercise:

Me?  I'm off to have a nice hot shower!


  1. Wow, what a could you bear to leave it?


    PS That's what I call a dog!

  2. Beautiful Briagha is a very sensible retriever - at this moment - with the wind howling and the rain lashing down, she is in her basket with her nose tucked between her paws, waiting for the sun to come out! How well trained is that?!

  3. It's sunny down here today - I'd forgotten what it loooked like. It's rather good stuff.

  4. SP: It's a View I Treasure which, as you are new to this blog, you may not have seen before. I can bear to leave it for the winter only because I know that I'll be coming back to it!

    Spesh: I'm with Briagha on this one.

    I'm glad that you are seeing the sun on your Birthday, CJ.

  5. Ah! the joys of dog ownership.

  6. Nice to have your friend for a visit. Look at that Molly, jump running. To have the energy of a dog!!

    I can't remember, is she a border collie?? She looks to be from a distance.

    I wouldn't mind having a little more motivation as David has, to go about what that little voice inside suggests...even in the cool, windy rain.

  7. I have to confess I've never really longed to have a dog to drag me out in any weather. These photos look like one of those days when I'd be especially thankful not to have to go out. Especially before breakfast!

  8. If your friend enjoys those walks half as much as it is obvious the dog does, the pleasure of watching her would make up for the weather. They must be a very healthy pair!

  9. You may have foul weather but with the beauty of Lewis. Tonight is foul here too but Renfrew is more than a smidgeon lacking the beauty of Lewis.

  10. I would go out just to watch the joy of the dog. Oh the body-language you have cleverly captured Geeb!

  11. Nought wrong with calling someone an old friend, if that's what they truly are! And my preferred morning activitiy on such a day would have been a nice hot shower, too (after the coffee), and then breakfast!


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