Monday, 3 May 2010

Scriptor: Don’t Read This!

I don’t think anyone is likely over the years to have had more problems with telecoms and SKT TV providers than the Scriptor Senex household.  I, on the other hand, have been blissfully free of such problems.  I’ve never said much about that because I knew that I’d be tempting fate.  This morning, however, I think I have managed to find the ultimate frustration: the circuitous ordering system. BTCapture This occurs where, having pressed the 7 keys needed to get to the menu you require, your option does not appear.  So you try again.  No, it really isn’t there.   So why do I not, as it exhorts me to do, use the internet to place my order.  This is the reason I am ringing you BT!  Do you really think I would telephone a telecoms company unless I had to?  The irony is that I have remained a loyal BT Customer for many years: many years longer, in fact, than most of the people likely to be dealing with my complaint at BT will have been on this earth!  Sobering thought really.  And now I have spent nearly an hour and have eventually resorted to emailing them.  I’ll take bets that I’ll get an automated reply saying someone will contact me and then in a few months I’ll get a phone call trying to sell me something entirely different: with a 12 month contract period of course.

So why do I want to contact BT?  My calls to NZ are increasing and with more usage comes more cost (it’s worth it!).  BT provided a second number for use with my Broadband at a reduced tariff for calls abroad.  The quality of calls on that number can be as good as ‘ordinary’ calls.  On the other hand, as has happened recently, the quality has been bad enough to be off-putting.  So I decided to pay the price and get ‘International Freedom’.  If anyone out there knows the secret of trying to buy a product off BT will they please let me know.  On the other hand TalkTalk offer the same phone and broadband package with international calling (which friends have) for half the price I pay.  So, I ask myself, why am I staying loyal to BT.  Why indeed?  In fact if I don’t get a response from BT the question may well answer itself.

DSC08610In the meantime I shall go and have breakfast, do a crossword and get on with my Monday.



  1. It seems those telecommunication companies are the same the world over. Funny post, though. Luckily you always seek out the humour in a situation. After seeing your cork board I think I will tidy up my fridge door tomorrow, it's a disgrace by comparison.

  2. The trick with BT is to simply e-mail the chief executive -- I've done this twice now and it's amazing how quikcly problems get fixed and sorted. What you need to know is that all BT e-mail address are of the form and then of course to find out who the current chairman is.

  3. damn, my e-mail description didn't make it through properly. So if the persons name is Joe Bloggs then his BT e-mail address would be

    I wouldn't use this approach for everything but if you exhaust all other avenues it's certainly worth trying. On the two occasions I've needed to do this the problem has been sorted within a day, usually as one of the CEO's assitants is put in charge of fixing things.

  4. Actually, Pauline, I thought my cork board was rather cluttered compared with your fridge. I have to admit that I removed last year's calendar before taking the photo.

    Thanks for that Mark. If I hadn't had a call from BT this afternoon after I'd sent them an email using their ordinary contact method I would have tried that.


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