Monday, 3 May 2010

The Grass is Cut


I did the first cut of the grass, front and back (the above is the back), on Friday.  If the weather holds I might get a second cut done this afternoon.


  1. Such a different life from NZ! Love the look of that sun room. An ocean breeze, sun, and a good book, what more could you ask for?

  2. "Looks like you've got your work cut out for you..." ?

    Getting word verification 'retrifyi' here, that sounds somehow suitable for a job that you find needs doing twice!

  3. GB, how could you? We are not supposed to cut grass till the flowers are out. Kills Bumble Bees and emus, albatross, rare tigers!! Sure that's what it said in the Saturday Telegraph a couple of weeks ago. Looks smart though, couldn't you borrow a sheep?

  4. Yes, Adrian, I could have the loan of as many sheep as I wanted. I have a large sign outside saying 'MINT SAUCE USED HERE' and they still try and get in! There's nowt as brainless as a sheep, nor as destructive. I have to make the garden like Fort Knox to keep the b*****s out. Sorry. Whilst that word is used in NZ as an ordinary word I accept that I do have some more sensitive readers.

    The weather was glorious this afternoon: ideal mowing weather. So I mnaged to find other things to do - inside. How sad am I?

  5. That grass looks all soft and spongey. I want to get my shoes off.


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