Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Happy New Year

I cannot recall when I last made a New Years's Resolution.  Indeed I think the last one I made was not to make any more. Checking my New Zealand blog (because I was in New Zealand for about nine New Years) seems to confirm my thoughts.

So far as I can recall the last New Year that I really celebrated with other people was in New Zealand too. 

When I came to the Island half a century ago this year 'First Footing' was very much the 'thing'. We had very small children and discouraged however well-meaning but drunken people from waking everyone up. I think in our township on Lewis it became almost a thing of the past after one of the neighbours wandered off into the moor in a disoriented and presumably drunken state and his body wasn't found for for years. 

So last night was a WhatsAppfest of good will messages before I made it to bed at 1am.

For those of you who read my blog I wish you a very happy, and above all healthy, year ahead.

I'm hoping to write and read and respond to a lot more blog posts this year. 

Well, that's the plan. 

But first I have to make a few resolutions.


  1. Happy New Year to you Graham. I hope you remain well and happy and enjoy your life xxx

    1. Thank you JayCee and I my good wishes for your year too.

  2. All the very best for the New Year, Graham - peace, love, good health. I will look forward to more good reading on your often quirky blog. David

    1. Thank you, David. I hope you and yours have a rewarding year too.

  3. Christ! The story of the drunkard who wandered off onto the moorland and died is one worth telling. Wishing you all the best in 2025 Graham.

    1. A hopeful picture from Lewis taken in 2014:-

    2. Neil, he wasn't the first and he probably wasn't the last either. It was a very bad winter unfortunately and an inebriated person falling over stood no chance. He had wandered in the opposite direction of his home right into the bleak moors.

    3. Excellent photo. It's pretty wild over on the moors where that was taken.

  4. The best resolution is no resolutions. I wish you health and happiness for 2025, and good companionship when you need it.

    1. Janice, I still haven't made any for this year and if I don't get around to soon, if I do make one it will be an Old Year Resolution.

  5. I don't make resolutions either because life usually gets in the way. Looking forward to your posts in 2025, Graham! :)

    1. Ellen, I'm finding that life gets in the way more and more!

  6. Happy New Year to you. May it be a good blogging year.

    1. Thank you, Red. I look forward to reading yours more frequently too.

  7. I have resolved not to make any resolutions.

  8. Happy New Year, Graham.
    No resolutions for me, either. If I want to start or stop doing something, any day is good for that. Still, I like the fresh feeling of the start of a new year. A bit like the mental equivalent of getting into bed with fresh sheets on.

  9. Guid New Year, Graham! Here's to a happy and healthy 2025. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I'm hoping to spend a lot more time in your virtual Lake District thinking about the fells I used to wander around so much.

  10. Happy New 2025 to you Graham and I know well about the best of resolutions, which is WHY I usually avoid them. This way, there's no guilt in not having kept any.

    1. Yes, Beatrice, guilt is best avoided where possible. It can get worse when you get older.

  11. Happy New Year from Canada...found you via Yorkshire Pudding. I'm not a resolution-maker, but I am Scottish and my wife and I have visited Scotland was a dream trip. Hoping to go again.

    1. Thank DB (what do you usually call yourself Mr Stewart?) for your visit and comment. I popped over to ThinkStew and will probably go back and make an observation because I'm not convinced about the word's origin! That should make readers curious.

  12. Like I said to Red, if i want to do something enough I'll do it no matter the day. What I didnt say to Red is if I don't want to do it, the 1st January won't help.
    Wishing you a good year, Graham. With sun.

    1. Thank you, Kylie. I hope that your life keeps on keeping on and getting better and better.

  13. I wish you a healthy and happy 2025. I gave up on new year resolutions years ago - but I do reflect on my expectations for the coming year and try to keep them realistic.

  14. Bugger. Forgot to identify myself again.

    1. Thank you Pauline. I hope that you enjoy good health and that your year is filled with family and friends.


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