Wednesday, 26 June 2024

A Journey

For someone who used to 'commute' for 6 months of the year to my other life in New Zealand I find it strange to have to accept that I now find the idea of flying to Edinburgh and staying in a hotel for a couple of nights to go to a wedding quite stressful. Have I got everything I need in my kilt bag? I know I've got my kilt but..... It's not the flying and I'd be okay if it was Glasgow Airport. Edinburgh Airport was always a nightmare even in the long ago days when I attended many meetings at The Scottish Office in Edinburgh. Even my son who is used to international travel on a scale I never even dreamt of can't stand Edinburgh Airport. Ho hum. Time will tell. I'll be on my way to Stornoway Airport in 40 minutes.

My hotel is in the centre of Edinburgh very near the wedding hotel. I'll be going in on the high-speed tram from the airport to the centre of Edinburgh. 

A kilt is very heavy when you are carrying it.  Highland dress is hot and heavy when you're wearing it. Here's hoping for a cool day tomorrow....and a dry one.

I'm back on Friday and my New Zealand Family arrive on Saturday. 

It's going to be a busy and enjoyable few weeks ahead.

Hopefully at least I'll have something interesting to blog about.


  1. I am sure that everything will go smoothly and you'll have a wonderful time. Relax and go with the flow.
    (I know, easier said than done... I should take my own advice more often!)

  2. Here are my nightmarish airports in order of horror and inefficiency: Miami International, LAX in Los Angles, Houston, Toronto and Heathrow. Conversely, airports to make you feel good: Bangkok, Singapore, Narita, Seoul and Hong Kong. We could learn a lot from well run Asian airports with friendly, helpful people. As for kilts, I have never worn one and doubtless never shall. One of those pleasures of life I shall eschew without regret!

  3. As JayCee says. Nothing will go wrong that can't be sorted out or dealt with by patience. And as JayCee says, I should also take my own advice. Whatever, have a good time.

  4. Reading this about eight hours after you posted it, I can only hope all went well with the flights and airports, and wish you an enjoyable time at the wedding (and a safe journey back as well)!

  5. I am surprised at this post considering you take so many regular trips to hospital on the mainland as well as the emergency ones all in your stride. Glasgow regularly features in your drives. I note for this one you are taking a flight to Edinburgh. Odd how bad Edinburgh Airport is from both yours and your son's experiences. I hope you are now in your hotel. Last time I went I stayed in the Balmoral above Waverley Station. Sounds like you have a busy time coming up.

  6. Traveling and packing can be very stressful, and I'm always trying to get by without checking any luggage. I had never thought about the weight of a kilt and having to take then into account when packing. I just discovered your blog and will enjoy reading more of your posts.

  7. Packing and traveling can be a nightmare, but once you arrive, it all seems worth the trouble. Here's hoping that your travels and connections went well, Graham, and that you had a lovely time at the wedding and in your kilt...perhaps you will post a future photo?

  8. Oh, a wedding! That's wonderful! Please, will you show us photos, pretty please? I really enjoy every wedding I've ever attended from the simplest one to the most extravagant. Have fun at the celebration!

  9. I'd be completely lost in a large airport these days.

  10. You have a lovely social time ahead of you - enjoy:-)

  11. Bill and I have done loads of flights around the world but now...... the thought of navigating an airport and flying stresses me out. So we don't bother anymore. just getting through the day and local trips is enough for us in our 80's.

  12. Hopefully, all went well and you arrived at your hotel without a hitch. Cool but dry weather? Maybe the bride and the (female) wedding guests would appreciate warm weather... they won't want to wear heavy woollen items in the middle of summer.
    All the best for your busy (but enjoyably so) time ahead, Graham! I second Kay in her wish for photos.

  13. It's blowing a hoolie here, so I hope it's not too windy in Edinburgh, especially if you're wearing kilt.
    I hope the wedding more than makes up for the airport experience. Xx

  14. We need a photograph of you in your Highland garb!

    Something I have noticed: when you have tons of stuff to blog, you've no time to blog!

  15. Hi Graham, I hope you are having a smashing time in Edinburgh with the family. I looked up the weather for this week, looks to be about the same as here. You could need some long johns under your kilt! Something only you could carry off.

  16. It certainly does sound like you have a busy time ahead of you, Graham. Busy, but very enjoyable, I hope. Take good care. Have a wonderful time. :)

  17. i love the weight of a kilt but I understand it makes it hot!
    Hopefully the travel was trouble free and the wedding was lovely. I look forward to a report!

  18. I hope that the wedding went well and that the wind didn't blow up your kilt revealing your... (CENSORED BY "BLOGGER" HQ)

  19. Just to let you all know that I’m not ignoring all your comments. I had a great time in Edinburgh and will blog. Got home. Collected my New Zealand Family from plane on Saturday. 3am Sunday woke with blocked kidney. Was brought to Inverness by Helicopter Ambulance and am due to be operated on in a couple of hours.

    I’ve discovered that I can’t write posts on my iPhone but I will hopefully be home in a few days and will post about the goings on.

  20. I’ve not been able to sign in but I expect that you have all realised that the last comment was by me, Graham.

  21. I'm sorry to read this, Graham. Wishing you a swift recovery. Xx

  22. Oh no! I am sorry to read this.

  23. Hope all goes well Graham x

  24. Is everything okay Graham? I am sure that I am not the only one who was been worrying about you. Please reassure us that all is well.


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