Friday, 17 November 2023


Everton Football Club has been 'fined' 10 points by the (English) Football Association for financial overspending. This puts Everton into the relegation zone.  They are by no means the only club facing such sanctions.

Do I care? Of course I don't, even though as a schoolboy I was an Everton supporter.

However, I do despair that with the atrocities in Israel and Gaza and the war in Ukraine both (and everything else of importance) have been knocked off the evening news top spot in favour of the punishment of a football club.


  1. What is important is that you know the news which is far more important than anything a news channel decides to put together for you.

    1. I agree, Rachel, which is why I follow a lot more than the television news but that doesn't stop me being irked by the crassness of the BBC (and possibly other news channels).

  2. I agree, Graham. Our media is constantly seeking and finding the lowest common denominator.

    1. Janice, it's a sad reflection on our society. PS My garage door is a Hörman too.

  3. Tomorrow it will be some celebrity or other and their latest tantrum.

  4. It sounds as if you and I watched the same news programme earlier this evening.
    I too was disgusted by the priority given to that story.
    As Jabblog says, it is a race to the bottom.

  5. I wish the News would give balanced coverage, a few minutes on each item, rather than 75% on one, 25% on another, and ignoring the rest.

    1. Tasker, I couldn't agree more that a broader view would be good.

  6. It is a commercial judgement and I would not question the management's knowledge of what sells. Or if it is the BBC, that is quite a different matter. Decisions on what leads a bulletin should not be about what will get ratings.

  7. Brain shaking going on here as I don't know what "overspending" means for UK football. Google again, ah, it is over UK football financial regulations. So in other words, if the team works hard, wins, their status in the league is downgraded because of an accounting regulations? What am I missing.

    1. So far as I can tell, Maywynn, you have hit the nail on the head. I'm not sure if that idiom makes sense in the US. Perhaps "To be spot-on. To be on the mark. To be on the money. To be right on the button." might be more apposite.

  8. Yes, the most significant story is not always the one that receives the most attention. But daily coverage of war in all it's horrow would have serious consequences for my mental health

    1. Kylie, the details of war in all its gory details are screened to us constantly in the UK.

  9. What have they been doing; buying comfy cushions for their seating?

    1. Heaven alone knows, Cro. I learned from the news that they have just built a huge new stadium, though.

  10. Sometimes I wonder about the odd mix of topics that make it to our main evening news here. Then again, maybe it serves a point: Reminding us that the world is so multi-faceted, allowing for parallel existence of the deep and the banal, of the horros of war and the beauty of nature or culture.

    1. Meike, as always, your common sense cuts through the quagmire. I think I just close down at the mention of football.

  11. It has even made the news in Singapore! I read it tickertaping its way across the bottom of the screen on one of those news channels that run continuously in various bars, lounges and lifts.

    1. Gosh, Singapore as well? Is Everton really that famous or do they just parrot what various countries' tv think is important?

  12. I think we all despair with the wars going on in our world, i just wish that people would sit down and work things out.

  13. I tend to always tune out sports news. Sometimes I literally wander off to do something else while they go on (or switch channel)... And if not, my thoughts are likely to wander anyway!

    1. Monica, I used to enjoy cricket and I have been known to watch the All Blacks on occasion but these days I have deserted even those sporting moments.

  14. I am really tired of hearing about Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Every move reported, while the world story fades into the background. Reminds me of the movie Don't Look Up.

    1. Debby, I have heard of Taylor Swift but not Travis Kelce. I don't know that movie either I'm sorry to say.

  15. I know what you mean, Graham. So much silly celebrity news is followed but it seems a goofy waste to me.

  16. The media has a lot to answer for.

  17. You sometimes wonder about the media.

  18. Thank you for being a positive force in the online space.

  19. Once an Evertonian, always an Evertonian. They just beat Notts Forest. You must be very proud.

    1. YP there is no such concept as 'always' in anything. As a Welsh Liverpudlian who has lived the vast majority of my life in Scotland believe me!

  20. I read the news less and less and never watch it on TV these days. It seems like celebrity news is a popular topic over more series events in the world. Of course, I know nothing about the Everton Football Club news but it would seem to fall into a similar category of "news" not worth my effort.

    1. Beatrice, in a strange way I am addicted to the news these days. I wish that I wasn't. The Everton news is, in my view, totally unnewsworthy.

  21. I read the news less and less and never watch it on TV these days. It seems like celebrity news is a popular topic over more series events in the world. Of course, I know nothing about the Everton Football Club news but it would seem to fall into a similar category of "news" not worth my effort.

    1. Beatrice, I'm getting to the stage where I wonder why I watch the news but I think that I've been doing it for so long it's a hard habit to break even if I often feel like throwing something at the television.

  22. Glad to see your comments. I've been worried about you.


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